Final Thoughts: John Green image
S9 E8 · YA, We Read It!
Final Thoughts: John Green
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11 months ago
Alas, another YA, We Read It! season has come to a close. Tune in as Laura and Meggie go through their ultimate ranking of each and every John Green book that graced their airwaves (and who knows maybe they'll rank their guests too!?!). It's easy to say John Green's prolific 12+ year YA career spanning 6 books + 1 anthology is anything but surface level. Dealing with many themes: love, loss, grief, mental health, friendship, and finding yourself it's easy to see why many of his books are acclaimed the way they are as Green never seems to shy away from hard topics. It's been a fun and emotional season, so listen up and find out where we are going for season 10!