TCL EP12 - We get feelings about AI Emotions. image
TCL EP12 - We get feelings about AI Emotions.
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3 years ago

Artwork by Longquenchen

Our trio are back and we discuss if emotions are even a thing once AI begin to operate with independence and, dare I say it, sentience? They become who we are and our actions are indeed their algorithms. Therefore we need to rectify ourselves in order to train AI to become what we want, an ally of human development and well being.

We debate what all this means and discuss if emotional intelligence will indeed become part of artificial sentience, and we may not even have a say.


Deepu:  so if you use AI, for example, in policing, for example, right? So how do you then maybe with AI, you can have some sort of like a predetermination. Okay. The person, ABCD one, two, three, whatever it is, actions and therefore they are found guilty automatically guilty of a predefined sentence.

Jai:  I wouldn't put AI in charge of that though. That's not something that you want to hand over to a robot, because then the ethics come in.

Jai: who's a robot to judge a human on their conduct. Whether they being bad or good.

Deepu: Yes.

Vije: Hello,  gentlemen, guess what?

I just realized what you were saying. And I was like listening to the conversation for the last 30 seconds.

Jai: And you didn't notice that you were recording.

Vije: Let me go, right question as a record. Here's the thing. This is what it's all about. AI is already being used for that already in China. and it's been used in other countries that China has sold.

The technology to AI is already in charge of that stuff.

Deepu: Let's just make it one thing. It's not really AI. This is pre pretty AI. This is AI. Yeah, not really.

Vije: No. It's automation. it's automatically detecting the face automatically picking up checks and automatically creating a profile alert.

They get points deducted, and the points go lower because of what they said. what they did or how they look like they get, as the points get detected, they can't, take the bus. So the loan, rate is increased. It's immediately done automatically just like the black mirror stuff.

Deepu: okay. we do need to define separate, AI and automation.

Cause those are two different things. Artificial intelligence and automation. don't necessarily mean the same thing, but can be mutually exclusive.

Vije: Correct. But remember, as we discussed, our behavior is the algorithm that gets defined and trained in future AI. So if this is the practice that we operate on, the AI will be doing it for men in future.

Jai: Do you see the issue? The issue is you want to bring ethics into. A system that's already flawed. That's already unethical. So you starting from, that's you obviously, but the technology and the application of it is already starting from a flawed foundation. it became unethical.

So now you're going to try and bring it back instead of just starting from scratch and being base level ethical. does that make sense? In other words, instead of making it bad and then trying to make it good, just. I thought with it being good, but you've got your manager. You are already flawed in that sense because they're already on it.

Cool. Trying to create these AI. So if you going to bring an ethics team in the ethical thing to do is not to create AI until you sought after your human problem. That's the most ethical thing to do. If you're trying to add ethics into, if you're saying well, screw that we're going to make AI anyway. Then there's nothing ethical about it, then it's going to be flawed, like the people who are creating it.

And it's just going to perpetuate a kind of flawed system, a
