[Spoilers for Kushiel's Dart, the Book of the New Sun (mild at best), the Malazan Book of the Fallen, and Forge of Darkness] Perhaps a bit of an unorthodox question, but one I feel is worth asking: Why is Kaminsod, what is his narrative significance, and why is he portrayed in the manner that he is ? At least as far as his [Redacted because of spoilers.] I'm contrasting Kaminsod to a few other unreliable narrators throughout books I've heard of & read about - Blind Gallan (Kharkanas), Phedre no Delaunay (Kushiel's Legacy), Severian (Book of the New Sun), Latro (Soldier of the Mist) - to find similarities, and differences. This is not the end - of course - but perhaps a Part One to an impending conversation on Kaminsod's narrative aspects. For more on how exactly Kaminsod recontextualizes the Book of the Fallen, I can wholeheartedly endorse AP's videos on the subject: (on that note, get well AP!) https://youtu.be/d5ZqQxIaWIc?si=O5KIOd_rsNxPKQkF At least a partial measure of credit goes to Niflrog whose ideas I've probably leeched from by osmosis: https://youtu.be/L0qjIDcZK-I?si=ZTJukViGRCiJZ3af And our socials: Reach out to us - we promise we're reliable narrators with no ulterior motives: smileyspodcast@gmail.com Would you prefer my ruggedly handsome looks? https://youtu.be/bljlZwKPRjA
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