Ep 237 | 10 Ways to Practice Self Care Daily image
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Ep 237 | 10 Ways to Practice Self Care Daily
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6 months ago

We often forget about the self care that can happen in the inbetween moments of our day. The little things that we can do to fill up our cup and keep us steps away from burnout. Self-care isn't just about the big things, and when I realized that it really helped me to figure out how to put self-care into the pockets of my day that I had space in. Even just five minutes could make a big impact! I'm sharing some of my favorite self-care strategies that only take minutes!

What you'll learn:

→ how I created my self-care list. → ways to prioritize in your day. → 10 ideas to create your self-care list.

Want to skip ahead? Here are key takeaways:

[3:07] Creating my self-care list was harder than I thought. I had to really think about what filled my cup versus what was “trendy” or what other people said was top on their list. Things like meditation and reading a book wasn't something I got excited about. So I took the time to really think about what I enjoyed. [4:06] Building this into my regular day looks like a lot of different things. If a meeting ended early, I could take some time for myself. Sometimes I'll purposefully schedule breaks so I know have time in my day. It could also be letting yourself sleep in if you need the extra rest, or accepting the help someone is giving you. [8:15] #1 – Grounding or laying on the floor. This is a good way to re-center yourself. It involves standing barefoot in the grass or dirt, or just laying flat on your back and just resting. [9:46] #2 – Eating lunch away from your desk. First off – I have to remind myself to eat lunch! But then, it's also taking that time for myself and not working through it.  [10:54] #3 – Don't check your email before bed. Just put your phone down. There is nothing worse than checking your email before bed and seeing that email that is urgent, frustrating, or even exciting. You can't unwind and truly relax before bed when those emails come in. [11:53] #4 – Play a game on your phone. Have a few moments between meetings or just need to take a break? Set a time and check out. Play your favorite game on your phone and allow yourself a few moments to relax.  [12:15] #5 – Take a walk or move your body. Depending on the time of year I might take a walk around the block. Or, sometimes I'll just run up and down the stairs a few times. You could also just walk around your house and listen to a fun podcast. [13:05] #6 – Watch TV. I personally love a good reality tv show or rom com. Put something on you can use to escape for a moment and just relax. Don't forget to set that timer. [13:40] #7 – Breathe. This seems simple but sometimes just pushing your chair back from your desk, closing your eyes, and taking a few deep breaths can really help. [14:31] #8 – Play the piano, or your instrument of choice. I love playing the piano, but you could grab any instrument you like. It helps me relax and get out of a different mindset. Play something fun and relax for a moment. [15:32] #9 – Call a friend. Connecting with people you love can really help with your mental health. Call and check in on someone and take a few moments to catch up. [16:28] #10 – Get takeout. Whether its for lunch or dinner, give yourself a break. Get that meal you love and don't worry about having to cook (or do the dishes). Sometimes we just need it.

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