We live life going forward but make sense by looking back. Sitting with Tong Ge, talk about making sense of a life.
Join us as she explains what it was like to live in China during the Cultural Revolution, and how she had to live away from her parents due to her father being a professor during those opaque, difficult times.
Then let yourself get carried away by her stories around finding her passions, which included the writing of her family history into a trilogy. Just incredible.
Check out her first book in the series, "The House Filler".
Thank you Tong Ge. Just so inspiring.
* To see the full YouTube episode and subscribe, visit:
* To see this week's photos and others, visit: https://www.shooting-it-raw.com/photo-gallery
To learn more about Tong Ge and to get her book:
- https://tong-ge.com/
To order his book from Amazon.com, visit:
- https://www.amazon.com/House-Filler-Tong-Ge/dp/1553806980/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
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