0 Plays1 month ago

We're mostly unpacked from San Diego Comic-Con, and we begin this week's podcast by discussing the show's big highlight. No, it's not RDJ as Doctor Doom. After working through the con highs and lows, we invite cartoonist Wes Craig into our Zoom room for the first time so we can thoroughly investigate his all-ages epic, Kaya.

In an era where publishing beyond six issues seems nearly impossible, Wes Craig has already knocked out 20 Kaya comics, equalling three trade paperbacks, and promises five more. Where does this compulsion to tell a long-form story originate, and more importantly, how can he make it happen? Some of the answer rests with us, his audience, but most of it rests with him and his compulsion.

Kaya is one of the best comic books on the stands. It's the story of two unique and complicated siblings, alone in a violent, fantastical world, bonding on the road to somewhere kinder while their faith see-saws back and forth. Wes Craig is living his fantasy, writing and drawing the saga that's lived within him for years. He just needs to get it out.

We chat with the cartoonist about his mission, characters, and universe. We explore the perils of the Chosen One trope, tease Kaya's big Empire Strikes Back moment, and consider the ultimate destination. And, yeah, we get into all his influences as well. Some you may already be aware of, but several others, probably not. Stand by Me? The Wonder Years?

The first three Kaya trade paperbacks are now available from Image Comics. Issue twenty arrived in comic shops today. Make sure you're following Wes Craig on Twitter, Instagram, and his Website.

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