I know I said FRIDAYS but last weeks episode happened HARD this week. It comes in threes... Busted Faucet, another underground water leak and then a pop-off on the water heater went bad. And also got a quote to have my crawl space encapsaluted. Sheesh...
By the way...I HATE PLUMBING. I can do it, but I hate it. After covid I cannot affoprd a plumber. I am not a rich man but one who can DIY...However in VO (which I love) I measure my success against my targets not what others are doing. I am not them, they cannot be me. As I inch up on the end of year 4 I see great things but I also see shortfalls. Only YOU can measure your success and chart your path. We are all 1000% different. There are some common needs... other than plumbing. We have to use all our skills to make it work. Can I fix those things that happened this week? Yes. You Tube rocks. Am I dedicated to it? No. Love it? no. Passion for it? Absolutely not.
Quick listen but some good take aways today! Learn, practice, learn and see you next week.... maybe....