First 90 Days Digital Marketing plan for E-Commerce Startups with Amy Zwagerman image
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First 90 Days Digital Marketing plan for E-Commerce Startups with Amy Zwagerman
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2 months ago

Amy Zwagerman is a seasoned marketing executive with 25+ years of professional experience in media & entertainment, consumer products, and omni-channel distribution and sales. In 2016, she founded the Launch Box, a boutique marketing services firm where she has served as an advisor, mentor and Fractional CMO to thousands of startups. Her advice has been featured in numerous industry publications including the American Marketing Association and Markitors.


KPI Calculations

Total Revenue - Total of Sales across all of your Sales Channels

Net Revenue (Gain or Loss) - Total Revenue - Total Expenses

AOV (Average Order Value) - Total Revenue / Number of Transactions

Conversion Rate - Number of Transactions / Number of Visitors

MER (Media Efficiency Ratio - Total Revenue / Total Paid Ad Spend 

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) - Total Revenue Attributed to ac Campaign / Cost of Campaign)

CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) - Expenses / Number of New Customers

The Launch Box FREE E-Commerce Performance Tracker. Download copy of Free E-commerce Performance Tracker here:
