Office Warfare: 9 to 5 Warriors Series 2 with Brandon Braswell image

Office Warfare: 9 to 5 Warriors Series 2 with Brandon Braswell

S1 E149 · Adventures in Collecting Toy Collecting Podcast
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In this episode, Dave and Erik sit down with friend of the pod and returning guest, Brandon Braswell of 9 to 5 Warriors to discuss the Kickstarter for Series 2 of the nostalgic toy line. Hear all about what's being offered, where you can get it, and what's on the horizon in this jam-packed episode!

Back 9 to 5 Warriors  now on Kickstarter!

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Intro and other voices by Joe Azzari


Theme Music is "Game Boy Horror" by the Zombie Dandies

Proudly part of the Non-Productive Network

Are you ready, kids? Get your parents' permission, check your mailbox, and grab your shopping cart. It's time for the Adventures in Collecting podcast. I'm Eric. And I'm Dave. Welcome to Adventures in Collecting. Where we talk toy news, culture, and hauls. Along with our journeys as collectors. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Adventures in Collecting.
Hi. Dave, ah we we are back. um We for now, hopefully both of us for this entire episode. Yeah, there was no delay in the high on purpose. Yeah, just just to give everybody a heads up, hopefully this doesn't happen. But in case it does, um there is some strange alien, like and this is not our annual Halloween episode, I promise. No, it's not early. It's not a bit.
Um, there's some strange electrical happenings happening outside of my home. Uh, I believe a transformer blew up. Don't worry. It was not Optimus prime this time. It was actually like an the actual functional utilities transformer blew up. Um, my power was out for awhile. It's back on now. Who knows how long that's going to last. So, um, in case I disappear.
that's That's what we're looking at here ah this evening. so um And for those of you on video who only just can see the unfortunate top half of Grimace's face, this is Grimace.
um make sure he um Yes, big day for for us as Mets fans. i got got picked up and Picked up a W. where We're halfway through the ah the first round of the wild card now. so Of course, when when this airs, those feelings may change. It's true, because this will air. Now now you have a ah permanent date and or point in time that you know we recorded this. Yes. So take that for for for what it is.
Um, I am not going to bury the lead, Dave, for obvious reasons. No, you should not. Extra, extra obvious reasons. More, more obvious than, uh, than usual. Um, but I am, and we are excited to have, uh, this guest back with us this week. Uh, let, let me take you back to December of 2022 when this guest was first on the show, um, telling us about an idea and a Kickstarter tie.
um Well, today we are thrilled to have him back after the successful launch of Nine to Five Warriors, and he's back with yet another Kickstarter this time for Wave 2, Series 2. Welcome back to the pod, Brandon Braswell, creator of Nine to Five Warriors. Brandon, welcome back to Adventures in Collecting, man. Yes. Why not? Why not? Thank you for having me, man. It's a pleasure. This is awesome.
Uh, you know, it's, it's, it's always fun to have, uh, not just a returning guest, but, uh, when our guest is is coming back, um, on the heels of, of success. That's always, that's always fun. It's always fun to have that follow-up and, you know, uh, it has been, it's been amazing watching. I'm trying to gently not knock everything under the sun over, but it's been, it's been amazing watching these guys grow up, man. Like you you did, you did it.
It's still surreal, man. like it's It's super awesome and unnerving sometimes to like to just receive like ah either an image from a customer. like It's on their shelf or like just a sweet message. It's like, oh, crap, I did it. Awesome. And its I got to remember those moments as we keep progressing. and like I had the stress of launching wave two, and we'll get into all that. But it's those bittersweet moments of like taking it all in. Yeah. and And we hope you're taking that victory lap because it is it is well deserved.
I have to say I don't often celebrate seeing things sell out. But when you like had those those sold out moments like on the the actual website, it was like it was awesome to see that. So just very, very, very, very, very cool. Yeah, it's been almost in the scene sold out entirely. Like, yeah, yeah. I'm literally like literally the last of the remains I had a batch separated for Kickstarter.
that just have as add-ons, that was always something, I think it was only 50 left, I have to double check. But basically, Commodore Chris was one of the first to go. ah Colonel Custard's right behind him. it's It's been cool to see, like, there's always clear, there wasn't always a clear winner, actually. And it was very interesting to see, even when I had the original pre-orders, like, who's winning and whatnot. But Commodore Chris, I think, just took the lead out of nowhere and just like, just snatched the win.
Yeah, I love the he's he's my favorite. I'm um' a big I'm a big Colonel custard fan. look at Look at that guy. Love, love me a donut. Yeah, I mean, he's a donut. Like, it's such a good way to go wrong. Not only that, I still still like years on now this coffee cup shield is still one of my favorite coffee lid shield is still one of my favorite things. So before Before we dive into into everything about series two, um as a reminder to our our listeners and and viewers, this is a show about collecting and we love to catch up on what our our friends are collecting. So we know you have a very fun, vintage and eclectic ah collection. So what are some of your your recent pickups? So recently delivered.
minus any pre-orders but recently delivered was funny enough out of the Kevin Eastman collection the signature I finally wanted to like get something that he signed he said I'm like a huge fan of Ninja Turtles of course and I just like realized like man this man's like still around I want to take advantage of like anything he owns And I was trying to get the playmates, the sketch turtles, and at the San Diego Comic Con ones are the ones that really piqued my interest, the black and white ones. And I tried to get them in Comic Con, missed out. And then I saw Kevin Eastman have like signed versions of them. And I just went out and I was like, okay, I gotta to get this this. This works out perfectly. So there's those literally just came in and they're still in a box. Probably just gonna keep them in a box in my closet somewhere. Awesome. Nice.
Yeah, i I went in on those sketch turtles. I didn't get the black and white ones, but um it's one of those moments to to to quote a previous guest of ours, the rule of four. um You know, I try to pick up, I try to shout out to Ryan Ting. I try to pick up a Donatello. I, you know, I have like my oops, all all Donnies. So I try to get a Donatello in each kind of like format. um And i The turtle, all turtles toys were like 20% off or there might've been 30% off at Target. And there was just like a fresh case of the four of them there. And with like the bases that all go together and the fact that they can all hit like this, the like awkward, weird, like, uh, disproportionate poses from that original sketch. It's just that the playmates did such a good job on those. They really, really did.
They really did. i When I saw them in the Toy Book reveal, I was like, oh my god, this looks legit. like I wanted them. I liked them in color, too. like I appreciated that they're kind of all different. um But then i missed out ah or I skipped out on them once they finally did ship. And I was like, let me just wait. Let me just wait. And then when the sketch ones came out, like the black and white, I got it. Yeah, very, very cool. Yeah, they're really cool.
um So I know there was the collaboration with big bad toy store last time for series one um What led to the to the decision to just go straight Kickstarter for series two? So like I go back and forth from my decisions like the first very first Kickstarter I did failed and I felt that was just from my inexperience being a brand new brand and didn't know how to market I remember just literally hitting hit like enter to start the campaign. And that's when I started my actual marketing campaign. So it didn't pick up traction until the very end. And, you know, people like yourselves reached out to me like, Oh, I just discovered this. Oh man, I'm sorry. And so when I went with big bad toy store, the idea was like, let me just leverage, obviously there are no entity they're trusted. Um, I still don't know what I'm doing at that point. Let me, I didn't know how to fulfill. So it was like in my head, the ideal situation would be just get the shipment from China, dump it on big bad toy store and, you know, get it all out and.
Yeah, the toys are made um this this time around ah Going through big bad toys here. I'm clearly just doing wholesale core all costs and this toy line has never made money and At this point I keep pricing it in a way others. I really just want to get it out there It's not a for-profit right now. It's really much like this is just a dream I know in the long run way I envision it with the TV series and all that like I'm sure money will come and But to go with the Kickstarter, out I just wanted to maximize on it and not lose any more money. Truthfully, I'll still invite a big bet to do the pre-orders. But for now, I just want to see um what I can do. i've I've taken this time to network, build, and I feel a lot more confident. I know 100% how to fulfill. I know 100% now to communicate with factories. like I feel like I feel strong. I feel strong. I like that one commercial.
Yeah, and and that's ah that's a great point because I mean, it's almost it's interesting, right? Because we we said at the top of the show, right, a successful launch because the yeah line has sold out. It's everywhere. yeah I had all actually, like, truthfully had forgotten that the the original Kickstarter that you were on promoting did not fun like it didn't make it i i like literally no no we met after it failed that's like you you dm me like i just saw this my that like oh this is so cool and like oh man that's my first interview as well like i was super novice and i didn't know anywhere so yeah before you met me i failed yeah on it was on big bad when that's right that's right that's right that's right yeah it's it's one of those things where it's just it's
fascinating. and And it's a great it's a great story, right? Because, you know, it failed on yeah on, you know, Kickstarter. But here we are talking about series two. And, you know, and how, you know, how much people love these figures myself included. Yes, it's great when you can kind of see something get that second chance and see it be successful. And all right.
first First one was a was a kind of bump in the road now where now we're moving. So so talking about series two, um how did you decide what characters you wanted to go with for for this ah for this wave?
Well, i I felt like two years I i revealed the whole deck of cards, like these are all 10. And kind of honestly, I was super ambitious at that point. I was like, whatever, what else can I lose? And I kind of wanted to also see like what would be a winner and a loser, because this is ah an idea since 2012. And I've been holding onto to these sketches, holding onto to this idea, holding onto to this vision.
I'm not to say it's right or wrong, but I kind of wanted to see like which are favorites. I had my personal favorites, but then it was also like every time I produced something like with the prototyping, I was like, damn, I love this one now, too. So it kind of like I couldn't pick my own. And so with the experiment of like launching all 10, seeing which was did well, like I said, like none of them, there was no clear winner. And that kind of was like what the issue was, is that I had 10 up per pre-order. They each had a raise, like 500. So that's basically 5,000 orders, which is a massive endeavor.
ah So ultimately I literally just had to choose four that I could afford With what big bad toys there was putting in through the pure orders and what out of my own pocket and basically That's how I chose these for the remaining six of what I'm now producing in this series two And I actually just did some refinements on to the character as well All of them had some more refinements, but two of them are pretty much redesigned rigadier bouncy being one of them This little cool guy if you're watching this the prototype but This one was awesome to just redo from scratch. The original was done by hand
yeah this one's awesome the original is done by hand by ah Yeah, complete space. Scott Hensley, I was thinking about Saba, but read ah ah done by Scott Hensley and then redone by Saba. And the issue was, honestly, doing this by hand, this is such crazy detail. He literally did this. It's a rubber band. And of course, as he's moving it, it's going to get like smudges. And the idea was always, this is all self-violence. So no matter what, I was going to take that digitally, refine it like as I did, Major Razor, Colonel Custard, Commodore Curse, and so on.
Um, but ultimately I just decided to redesign it completely because working with that file is a lot harder and a lot more expensive. I started to refine it in the sculptures. Like it's a lot easier if I just start from scratch. I was like, all right, let's try that. And I'm really happy with the, the output. Yeah. It's much more of a, um, like madballs look like yeah the the, even, even the proportions of the face, like the way that the, you know, that the size of the mouth and in proportion to the eyes and everything, it's.
Yeah, like the little, you know, or even like the gross out ones. I forget what the smaller ones that you could squeeze were called. Oh yeah. I love to see, that's what I'm aiming for right now is like, I feel our tail toy shells are missing that like oddball, madball creations. Just anything just odd, you know? We have a lot of strong IPEs, a lot of recognizable characters and stuff, but there's just nothing weird anymore. I'm just trying to be that weird kid. Well, the other thing that works so well with this, you know, with with this line is, you know, I think people like things that are recognizable, which is why, you know, established IPs work so well. But like, who doesn't like donuts? You know, like it just everybody knows what a pencil is. Exactly. like and And like even even, you know, ah love the one that you were just showing, I mean, so he's a rubber band ball. It's obvious that he's a rubber band ball. And it's just one of those things where it's like, oh, you know,
Or like the, ah the um I'm sorry, I'm terrible with the names, but the sweet little cracket, Sandwoman. Specialist Sugar. Specialist Sugar. That's actually the one that I wanted to talk about too, because that to me is just like a striking design. Yeah, yeah. yeah Like almost like Sandman in a way. Exactly. That's what I was thinking of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely inspiration, that and like Naruto, that sand character as well in there. Gora, I think. and now Yeah. Worse with names, so don't worry.
but going back to like the identifiable characters like this was always this again started in 2012 was always kind of aimed for I literally have like a black above here from an article done back then toys for the new generation because I've walked into the toy store and I did just feel like something was missing for the kids growing up and for myself like I just was like I missed that type of those toys and What's cool is about these recognizable characters, that's the best part is seeing the customers that purchased it. The Toys R Us kids that never grew up in the new demographic that I'm aiming for. But they're kids that they're actually having. They're playing with it. They're like, they're texting me that my my kids playing with this is awesome. They never usually play with toys, but they love the but chips character. They love Pringles or they love the tape character. And they're like, it's things that they totally understand and recognizable. And it's
It's funny, like I'm so big on story, but those are the characters that like you can just pick up. You don't even even know the story. You're like, I know what this is. Yep. But yeah, Sugar Man. So that was the second one that I redesigned. And primarily because going back to the story, um it was things that kind of the details kind of went over people's heads because there is no TV show yet. All this stuff is in my head. There is a comic, but little details like she's designed technically after the the main character, Alan McMillan, who's the creative office oddball who created them all. yeah She's designed after the receptionist that he has a crush on. So like in a comic book, there's like a little doodle of like him literally
daydreaming staring at her and like doodling her face in the pile of sugar. So like the idea was like he kind of transferred his like affection and and and feelings towards her into this, this creature that now takes shifts, takes like shape shifts into anything, but she takes the form of the receptionist face. But to make it a toy more, you know, fit in within the line, I just red redesigned her face to be more cartoonish, like very expressionist. She has larger eyes. You can see the green now.
um larger grain, like everything just proportioned properly to fit with the rest of the guides. That's awesome. Nice. um lot So how did you decide which characters to make, which like goal, which like backer?
I'm just gonna put now there's Once corporal can show that he's very popular um And he's also the most expensive to create right now I knew that I was probably gonna leave him for last just to see what we can do Um, the second one so really just came down to specialist sugar. And the only reason that kind of like, isn't part of the original, the currently for it's just cause I guess out of preference, like I really want sergeant's sport to be made. This was my personal favorite. And then I feel like I need, I feel like I need, you know, if I need the two pencils, so then if that's two bad guys and two good guys, it's basically number two and spore.
And just selfishly, I just like I really want to order me. So um That's why she's second I mean she's the first to be unlocked and then after that can and then after that battle bits Which I'm super stoked about and after that for some special characters that have yet to be revealed with ah Well a great segue Battle bits So one is the thing one of the things ah that we talked about back and in 2022, which was, I still can't believe it was two years ago somehow. i know um We talked about the this idea in in in regards to it. I think you might have mentioned it as adults connects. So this is a whole new like engineering feat for what you've done. I mean, the say you know say what you will about the detail that sculpted into these these figures,
but the da articulation is, is very basic, right? You know, it's like five POA, twist the waist, move the arms, legs. This is like a whole new form of, ah of like toy engineering that you're, you're trying to, to work in here. So, so tell us firstly, tell us a little bit about what battle bits are and then, you know, let's let's talk about, you know, the, the design and the engineering and what was like, you know, putting this together.
Sweet. So battle bids are the solution for like the many requests that oddly I get is like, when are the vehicles going to come out? When are the play base, the play space? I'm like, well, hold on, man. Let me get the toys out first, the characters, and then I'll make vehicles. But as a nerd myself, like the toy line has always been to basically transform the world around you. You know, I want you to look at a soda can differently. Once these guys are on your desk, like could it be a tank? Could it be a like this over here or those are watching.
is a Pringles Hot Rod created by Dr. Toys on YouTube. Such an awesome, creative thing, and that's what I always hope people would do with them, um because they pretty much are one-to-one scale. um So basically, Battle Bits is a solution to create like affordable accessories that you can transform the world around you, literally, with a couple scraps of like pencils and pens and whatever else you got lying around. So the idea was, literally, I was going to back up my mind, like, how can we like Because if you look at the original commercials I did, I had like a watchtower pencil and we call it a pen catapult system. And I was like, there's something to this. Like, I wish people can create this if I created a kit, you know? So that's how the idea constantly was like lingering in the back of my head.
And then cut to, uh, was it twice? Toy fair 2023. I met two and industrial design students. They were like super eager about getting into the toy industry. And then like, I just told them the idea. Once I, we hit it off and I saw that they're into Legos and they want to build something that connects and I'm like, Oh, this is divine. Let's, let's talk guys. And voila.
We made the battle bits, which are just these little cool little accessory bits that you can connect pencils, pens, and anything else that can fit. um Tape rolls, as well as plastic utensils for propellers. We got suction cups so you can build vertically. This is like a paper wad design. um You got binder clips that can be connected. You also have foot pegs that are shaped like what you call paper clips. So you can actually attach the 9 to 5 warriors to your creations.
and like It really just came to fruition. it's It's pretty awesome. That's why I had to create like a little making up mini doc and post it online because it' was like there's so much work that went into this. I had to show it off.
Yeah, it's fantastic. And just, you know, that again, the thing that we've always done, like somebody's, you know, we go back to Sergeant Sport, everybody's, you know, smelled that sandwich in their office or workplace fridge. Like everybody's made a rubber band ball. Somebody's taken paper clips and finder clips and all that and made structures out of boredom. Like it's, it's kind of.
that we're harkening back to that familiarity that Eric was talking about. Like, yeah, this is this is all stuff we know. And you know all our our our adult toys kind of come to life in a way. That's the whole band, exactly. So um in there in the Kickstarter, there's Colonel Custard, Glow in the Dark, um which kind of leads into this next question. ah Is there more of an opportunity for some of the series one characters to be re-released either in You know, the same form is almost like a restock or in that kind of repaint or, you know, remold style where it's like, okay, we're going glow in the dark this time. Absolutely. And I'll share those photos for those who are watching. So I worked with an amazing painter on on Instagram, does machines and super talented like, uh,
What is it called? Customizer paints amazing figures. So I worked together to create a four new variants of our four characters and basically kind of give the people what they wanted. Like they kept on asking me, why is Major Eraser purple? And like, because it's a cartoon and purple and green go really well versus pink. Why isn't everything purple is my question. There you go, man. It's not just, yeah it's also my favorite color.
It's a great color. So I am giving the people what they want, which I wanted to like a realistic major eraser with pencil smears and everything. He's going to be pink mass. Like he's going to look awesome. And so he's already done. Colonel Custer is going to have, you know, chocolate custard, like kind of an ode to the original food fighters.
um For Commodore Crisp, he's going to have the fiery red flavor. um And for Scotchy, I'm going with like a splinter cell technical, like a tactical look. So he's like all blacked out and like green goggles.
Um, that I'm still not sure if they're going to be part of the Kickstarter just yet. They definitely will be released in the future. Maybe they're like, I'll see how the Kickstarter goes there. They were always going to be kind of like injectors. If anything stalls during the Kickstarter, I'm like, but wait, there's more. Let's throw that in one after another. Um, so we'll see, but definitely that's always been the plan to like reuse those modes. And then, um, for re re releasing wave one.
I will be doing I think I want to kind of do two packs or a four pack I'm still debating but I kind of want to experiment in like gift packs and like if it's like a battle set for two versus two or like the whole four wave oh wow yeah yeah for keeping it I want to keep the very very original wave one very special for those box collectors and just for people that just went in on it like I'm gonna I have to naturally I have to naturally change the back of the card anyways, because it has all the photos and redesigned characters. So if you have the OG, OG, OG, there's going to be a collections item one there, you know? Yeah. Like old school, old school toy fair style. Yeah. Like the prototypes that never, that never made it. yeah So no matter what I'll redesign, um, if I do individual releases, but I'm leaning towards, I want to do, I love packaging. So like, I just want to experiment with new packagings and have fun with it. I might do two packs.
Yeah, and the the packaging also, you know, low key has been such a huge part of why people love this so much. I mean, the the old school just like blister cards, like but like old school blister cards. It's it's just yeah yeah die cut. nothing Nothing. There's nothing like a die cut blister. It's just, it's so good. It's so good. I just love it. So clearly I'm i'm a box collector too. Like 50% of my stuff is in boxes.
And so I did make this selfishly for me. Like when I had the vision for the idea for a toy, the second thing that came up after the toy stuff was like packaging. I was like, just doing research on like the type of design I want. And I wanted something in the back that really just made you sink into it. Like, this is the story. Oh, this is what's coming up next. Oh, cool. Look at this.
And you had like the cutouts and like, it just, this to me was like, yeah, this is what made a nineties toy nineties toys. Like you you sit in the back of the car coming home from Toys R Us ready to dig into it. And he was just reading about it. Yep. I love it. Already stoked to get like the next one. Oh yeah. oh Yeah. Plant planning out, like looking at that cross on the back, like, and I know who do I want next? And I know I speak for both of us and, uh, Brandon, probably you too, but like, I, you know, obviously as kids, we opened everything, but I remember like for certain, certain, you know, types of figures, I would keep one of the card backs and use it as like a checklist, like put X's through like once I knew what to add and stuff. Or if, if, you know, the wish book wasn't good enough for circling, like this is who I need.
Yeah. I think one of those cross cells is like, this is here. Yes. I love those. This is my list. My birthday is coming out. Remember those Kenner action guides too? Oh yeah. Those are my classics. I need to, I gotta, I'm still like designing my action guide. I definitely want to have a faux version of that. Hopefully it comes out in the next few weeks. I'm working with the designer to do that. Oh, very cool. And it's always been a dream. That's awesome. And, and you know, we, we, we would be remiss if we didn't mention the lunch boxes too. That was a fun little addition.
have I'm gonna find it, but oh my god. Yeah, the lunchbox isn't thermos. I was like a selfish thing again Like I wanted it. There's no demand. There's no one saying like please make this I'm like I want this this makes a 90s toy line complete, you know, and I love it like it's just I found the awesome Re-manufacture of it and then turbo pork again just killed it with the artwork and I just had fun designing things and like I just have fun with everything So it's like literally creating things I want And then we'll see what happens. And thankfully their hits too. And it just makes a great like collector's package. so And it's like, I think we're probably going to say the same thing. Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah. It's like lunchboxes are are like back now that that video of ah Dave Batista's lunchbox collection is circulating. I don't want to see any right now. Yeah. Oh yeah.
We like big lunchbox collector. I'll DM it to you. But that was what I was going to say is your goal should be to get one of those lunchboxes in his hands because he has no joke. Like the way that you lunchbox room. Yeah. The way that like you scroll through your feed and see somebody that has like a hot toys room and has like detox filled with Marvel Legends or whatever. He has literally like a room that's floor to ceiling like walls across the last pieces like retro style lunchboxes.
He needs a nine to five warriors lunchbox. yeah It's one of the coolest, like it's one of the coolest things that I've seen. Like I remember like he, I saw it in like an old w WWE video, but like the new updated one, like it's so much more now. It's so cool to see. That's cool. There's like a new, um, up north of Sarasota, Florida, there's like a whole toy museum and they have like a whole section dedicated to lunch boxes and stuff. I think that's awesome. and Oh,
I have to, I have to go to that the next time I'm in the area. I may, I'm in brain usually like once or twice a year. So that's right. That's like right there. Well, maybe I'm ahead of a curve. Look at that. Like I just, I just want to make lunch back because they're cool again. Perfect. Yeah. So you've, you've mentioned a couple of names so far, you know, as we've been, as we've been talking about this, um, but nine to five warriors, definitely, you know, it's your brain child, but it's definitely become a team effort to help, you know, bring this to life. Um, so tell us about some of the, uh, the folks that, uh, that are helping you, uh, bring, bring nine to five warriors to life. Sure, man. So a lot of favors has always been brought into this. Like my good friend, when the idea first came up, uh, he's the one that designed the logo that has now stood the test of time. He's actually a punk rock musician named Bob micro. Awesome music. Look him up. He's been featured in like.
freaking Cartoon Network commercials and whatnot. So, couldn't have made this all out without that, because he just brings the branding all to life. The character designs are a guy named Ryan off Craigslist, but it's funny, like he's like, has no attachment to, I don't even think he does art anymore, if he does, if he does not. But it's funny, because I'll tag him, he's like, this is awesome, man, I forgot, like, this was like 12 years ago, dude, keep tagging, keep going, keep going. And it's funny, because I'm like, I'll never forget you, I'll keep giving you credit if you don't know me.
Um, then, you know, um, we say would stop you there for a second. Cause I did not know that you literally found him on Craigslist. Yeah. This 2012, I was just like, I want to create a toy. I did not know how to create a toy, but I knew how to tell a story. So I was like, let me start there. And I just hired an illustrator, gave him my um Photoshop brief of what I wanted. Literally the napkin sketch ideas of like custard and ranger, all 10 of these characters are literally all from that point of day have not changed into like anything new. And he nailed it. And I just felt like he nailed the aesthetic through that. I hired, it you know, uh, an animator in Ukraine who we became like family working on the animated intro and it's an awesome. And, uh, I dunno, everyone I worked with, it's just been like, come look, like become part of like this whole family network, like just rooting for me to go. Uh, but yeah,
Everyone knows I worked with Scott Hensey. He's been amazing. I think without him, like designs like Commodore Chris, I don't think could have ever been done. I think his experience in you know happy meal toys and just fun stuff like that just created that like simplicity. like We could have done something in a digital realm, but I feel like it would have been way more complicated. maybe maybe involve magnets and which would have been cool as well, but it's just like Kama or Chris. I think the simplicity is what makes him so popular. Uh, so that's like Scott Hensley's design and just work. And it's been beautiful to see him to come together. The digital sculptor is the best, uh, Saba from planetary dog toys. And he's well known for, you know, plunderlings and many other cool indie toy lines. I mean, my art is turbo pork. I got an awesome graphic designer, Robbie Smith, like this goes on.
Very well, so, hold on. And that's what goes back to the back of the package, is like, that's why I have a receipt. So for those watching, it's like, the receipt's perfect. Like, I just wanted a show. It takes an army in a village, you know, to make all this. It was awesome. And my brother, who like, brother from another mother, he does all my videos. Like, he helps me DP them, and like, he's a photographer as well. So it just, it works out. Like everyone, I owe a lot of favors, basically. So I'm grateful for the team that's helped me.
And now, a word from our sponsors.
This segment is brought to you by our friends at Chubsy Wubsy Toys. A traditional mom and pop toy store in Little Falls, New Jersey, Chubsy Wubsy Toys brings you the best new toys from the brands you love without the hassle of pounding the pavement searching for them at larger retail stores.
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And now, back to the show. Well, you you have you say it takes a village. You have put together quite the village there. Yes, absolutely. It's like my Avengers team. I'm stoked. Now, one of the big things through this has been the learning process. And you mentioned like even through from the beginning of Kickstarter to finding the team to coming up with the story and putting everything together, um for anyone that's out there listening that has an idea for a toy line and they wanted
like do something like this themselves and they just don't know where to start. What advice would you give them from as somebody who's kind of really taken this from just the kernel of the idea up until now a second kickstart? Yeah. So two things like right now, this is the time I truly believe the independent toy movement is like in its golden era. Like we're all just creating some amazing toys that come stem from like we want to see this on toy shelves and it's like people like myself and others that are stepping up to just create amazing things. And second of all, like you got to understand like money's not, don't do this for money. Like you're not going to make money out the gate and you will have a successful toy line, hopefully with your Kickstarter people and all that stuff. But if you're in it for the money, like you'll probably quit because
That's the toughest thing I have a really good perseverance. I'll say that about myself is it's like, I don't give up because I truly believe in what this could be. And I make this for that, like that future generation, the kids growing up and and of course, people like you and me, like, but the kids growing up today, is just I'm excited. Like, I can't wait to for them to turn on the TV or whatever they're using to watch a cartoon of this, because I do believe in the stories and the characters. Like, I think it's just gonna be a lot of fun.
So honestly, like this is the time to start. Put your stuff out there. Don't expect instant you know success. Keep putting it out there. Because if you're passionate about it, it'll be easy. And you just keep at it. Because don't set a timeline. like This started in 2012. I did give up at one point and then kicked it back on. when the The toys that made us re-spark this vision. That's why I made that that short video. Like this show made me want to make create my own toy. Like that's true. Like I just got reinvigorated because that show just showed me at that time period, it really was about just making what you wanted and being creative. It was, yeah, these toy companies existed, but truthfully, they weren't going off of like trends or logarithms and this is what's going to sell. Like it was kind of like just throwing crap on a wall and see what sticks. but
It truly did come from artists that wanted to create something fun. And I think it shows, especially in the collection around me. It's like so eclectic because is there's there's a team behind each of these toy lines. There's an artist behind everything. you know So it's if we keep with that, that's the beauty of where I think we're headed with the indie toy market. And that's what makes me excited. Yeah. And you know we've we've said this before. and you know it's I hope it continues to be true for a long time, um but it's never been a better time to be a toy collector. i mean there's just yeah like if if If it's either feast or famine, like we're we're in like gluttonous stage of yeah feast at this point.
But, um you know, just just ah two weeks ago, we had um ah Dave Igoe from Monsters on. Super stoked. And, you know, as of today, actually, ah which, by the way, well, metrics real quick. You're already past the 40 percent mark, which yeah congratulations. um and And Dave's project just just fully funded. So he he hits amazing he hit the funding goal. um And, you know, I think, you know, the both of your projects are kind of cut from the same cloth. Like they're both very much so, you know, those cult, the vibrant colors, then the nineties nostalgia, like all the stuff that we love about toys and wanting to make kind of that statement on the shelf and you know, a labor of love and something that's, you know, frankly is missing from a lot of the toys that are out there today. So it really is a fun time to watch these projects come to life and you know, and to be able to hold them and you know, like,
to have them interact with all the other stuff that's on our shelves. It it really is it really is really cool. And i you I know I said it at the top, but I'm going to say it again. It is just and is so cool to you know have talked to you two years ago and you where you are now. And um and and you know you mentioned Toys that Made Us. Have you had a chance to tell that story to Brian yet? like Have you met Brian? Not yet. Not yet. um I used to like bother him through DMs.
I don't know, one day he'll hopefully open up his heart and listen to my amazing story. I honestly wanted to pitch it to Nacelle and I saw, and this is so interesting and funny, like before they announced Roboforce and them getting into toys, I honestly tried to pitch Nine of Five Warriors to them and said like, I just saw the connection. I was like, you guys are already got a show on Netflix. You're already establishing, you know, connection with the toy industry.
Why not create your own indie toy? And I try to position mine as, and I never got the pitch of course, but I try to position nine of five warriors as the alternative to trying to get a license because licensing can be expensive and yeah, the benefits are yeah, you have a baked in audience. However, if you can control a new IP, like nine of five warriors and have it from the start and it has that nostalgia feel and it's a brand new playground, brand new characters, brand new, you really just creating something for the generation growing up versus attacking the current generation that's consuming. And it's funny, I just never got to pitch, but I'm grateful. Yes and no, because I do still want to go to the indie realm. It was just in that time period. I was excited and I was just inspired. And I, I saw the potential of Nacelle. So it's really funny that they started making their own toys. I was like, shit, but yay. And I was like, I was on to something, but that's super cool to see where they're at now. Yeah. Yeah. Cause that's, ah that's another, uh, for the, I guess the lack of a better term, ah another toy house out there.
with just people that are passionate about doing the stuff that they want to do. Like, you know, he, he started with robo force and then he got biker mice and then sectors, moo Mesa now. And then I don't know if you just saw the big announcement, but he's got Star Trek. He's got Star Trek now. So I mean, it's just, I'm sure that's a huge like win for him and his little inner child. Like, I know how big of a fan he is for that. So that's, that's amazing.
yeah And we'll see what happens in 9-5 Warriors. I honestly love what I'm doing and I would love to create new toys in the future aside from 9-5 Warriors. But if there's so much potential still here and stories I want to tell like until I get that itch scratched, you know like I want to focus it on this besides before like spreading out.
So speaking of, uh, spreading out, right. Uh, you know, when, when this campaign fully funds, cause we are a win, not an if we are, we are when pod when it does, when it funds, uh, what, what's next for you? I mean, I, you've hinted at it several times throughout, throughout the interview here, but you know what, what's, what's next for, for nine to five warriors? Um,
Well, going back to pitching, like honestly, I've been getting a lot of good attention. I've always been the the mentality of attract, don't chase. And there have been a few opportunities like where i'll like you know I'll DM Brian or i'll I'll go after what I want. But I really do believe if I just keep putting myself out, then I'll attract what I want. And that's been the case. like People have reached out to me. like I have another meeting with another agency to potentially put this into works. Like they see the potential of it being a series. Uh, it's just truthfully the entertainment business right now is kind of hurt. And after the writers strike and the animation studios of Netflix closing, there's a lot of things that started happening that there's interest, but they're also being realistically, we don't know when or how this can happen. So I'm just praying that over time, like I just keep pushing forward the toys, keep making what I want and keep bringing in that passion. Hopefully you track the right crowds, track the right people.
track buying customers and all that good stuff and keep, you know, like I said this from the, this is for the toys and new generation. So it lights me up literally when I see that there's kids playing with this and like, ah you know, the hypothesis of attracting the toys to address kids that never grew up so that they can give it to their kids has been working. Cause I never intended to market to kids directly. I just knew that was going to be really hard to infiltrate. So I kind of went after the easy candy of like people like myself.
Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, it's again, same thing that we said before, right? The fact that they're recognizable items, kids know what pencils are. They know what, you know, what a donut is, what a gross sandwich is, you know, they, um, they're, they're recognizable items. So, I love it. But yeah, man, aside from that, like it's just, it's, it's keep on trucking. Like I want to finish the,
top of the 10, which is the true initial line. And then just keep introducing new characters along the way. Like I want to work with more artists. There's so many cool artists that might have done like, like a food style character as like a one off thing them like that I'm like, that'd be cool to like, kind of like license that and bring their vision to a mass audience, you know, or we're just if, yeah, just, there's so many talented artists that like, I just would love to kind of treat this like, like a,
I don't know, like a roundhouse like here, you want to work on this? You want to work on this and just start collaborating with people and bring Nenify warriors more and more. And do you have characters behind beyond the 10 that you like would also want to have somebody just like this is the assignment type of deal? A hundred percent. ah Too many, if anything. So oh but that's the beauty of it is like it's truly endless amount of characters. Kernel clusters, you know, constantly out there trying to create new bandits. As long as there's a new food item, there's there's endless characters.
Yeah, I mean, there could be an apple that's rotten to the core. Just, you know, there's all kinds of fun things that are, that are out there, but, but also too, like you mentioned, there's also different colorways and I mean, yeah these, a lot of these characters, you know, lend themselves very well to, you know, having different colorways or like, you know, like a zombie version or like, you know, even like, you know, as much as people knock them in the toy community, those holiday Star Wars figures.
Every year you mean my favorite ones the Halloween and the Christmas ones or holiday ones I'm sorry not Christmas holiday because it's it's more it's big big bigger blanketed approach, right those holiday colorways They sell like those figures you move so yeah to me. I i love them Don't it's got she has Santa. I can see it. Yeah, he's already got the beard, but you know also like hey if if the pencils happen to be like you the the army builders like yeah
Candy cane. Candy cane looking ones. Troopers. Troopers coming different and like, you know, different uniforms. Yep. Yeah. You got number two pencils. You got you got colored pencils. You got all kinds of things that you can do. True damn. See, I got to write this all down there. We're we're available for brainstorming workshop whenever you get here. You're going to end up on the receipt next time I watch.
So before we kick before we kick it over to our final question, I want to give this a little bit of context because this isn't this is a unique one. um So typically we have a final question that we ask all of our guests. You as a returning guest have already answered that question. So we've prepared an alternate final question for you that is based on ah trend a trend right now. So crossovers. Crossovers are a huge, huge trend just just today as of recording this.
the Transformers team tease that they have another crossover coming. You know, we've seen crossovers with the the turtles and masters of the universe with Power Rangers and the turtles. I'm not going to keep saying all the ones with the turtles, but lots of turtles. turtles just wrestling with wrestling with the turtles um But no, crossovers, crossovers have always been a big thing in action figures. so So our new final question for you, Brandon, since you've already answered the original final question, is this. If you could integrate one famous toy character into nine to five warriors, who would it be and what office supplies would it be made out of? This is honestly really hard. I'm looking around my room because I'm like, there's something here. There's something here. I'm split between like, I love Bubba Fett and maybe something with Batman. So I need help.
thinking of, like for me, Bubba Fett, or just the bounty hunter-esque. It's weird when I think of like the quicker picker upper, like. Oh no, 100%. The bounty like paper towels. Paper towels. So like, I don't know. Could that be something crazy? I don't know. That's weird. But damn, I don't know. Let's say it's Batman. What would, let's think this out together so we can work this out. Like what type of supply Would this would Batman be? You got to add like the Jeopardy music here. Yeah. Hmm. I don't know, man. This is a tough question. See?
Trying a blank. Nothing, guys. Did Eric drop? Yeah. That's hilarious. He made it to the very end. He made it to the very end. Everybody's going to be like, Eric, disappear from the corner. He's never going to, I need to not answer now so that he can never not know. Tell him that it's an amazing answer. He has to rewind. What would Batman be like? You think that signal may be like a flashlight? Yeah, that could work. That could work. I like the flashlight element.
like Who the hell, what would Batman be? I'm looking at my desk, like, hmm.
I don't know, man. See, that's what's tricky. When I saw that question, I'm like, I don't even know, man. I had, like, time to prep for it. I still haven't figured it out. To be continued, I'll think about it and I'll post about it. Like, you know, I would think i was thinking, like, Ghost Riders, A Book of Matches, like, stuff like that.
to see. OK, I'll say that. Let's cut this. movie I think Ghost Riders, a book of matches for three hundred. please we charge now So it's just. That's a good one. see Yeah. Honestly, my brain right now, I can't think crap, but that's a cool one. I like that idea. ah Powers back. There's something with a USB drive that could be implemented as well. That's a good one.
Um, maybe. Okay. I'll change my answer. Okay. Cause Batman's always got the utility belt though. The USB drive might work. Okay. The Batman USB. So something there I am, I am back with terminator. He's in the dark. The power is out. I'm connected via my, my hotspot. So I'm, I'm in the dark. Can I kind of turn the light on here?
So wait. so You missed an amazing character. Oh my gosh. It's Batman himself. Oh wait, there you go. It's the desk lamp and it works with shadows and he's like highlights himself. it's like' be very i'm I don't know how this is working, frankly, because I don't really have great cell service, but hey, this is going to make for a really interesting video experience for everybody. I should do a link like a spooky story.
What was it? What were you afraid of the dark world? Get a bit. I'm the leprechaun, the leprechaun. Yeah. All right. No, but who was the answer? So who are we? It was tough. We landed on crappy ones. Bubba Fett being a bounty hunter picker upper like we call paper towels paper towels. OK. OK. And then Batman potentially being a USB drive. But then now with this desk lamp desk lamp, I kind of like Yeah. five of that Maybe it's the Pixar desk lamp. It's the, it's the Pixar desk lamp is the one that, uh, like Luxo Jr. It's like Lex. There you go. That's the name. that murderer Yes. Yeah. Um, but all right. So, uh, while I still have some semblance of of power.
here before my phone dies. this is This is... I was getting ready to figure out how I introduce the plugs. This is this is where where we're back. um So remind our our watchers, our our viewers, our listeners, where can they ah back 9-5 Warriors?
Sweet, so Kickstarter dot.com, search nine, the number, T-O, five, the number, Warriors, and voila, it should be called the Bandit Strike Back, classic sequel. So um yeah, that's there. Currently as a recording, it's 40%. Hopefully we're 50, 60 when you're seeing it. If not, please pledge. Let's get there. Let's make these toys a reality, not for me, but for you and your kids and everything. Let's make this world an awesome place again.
Definitely. And we'll be sure whats to post those. What's the date? Yeah. What's the date we have until? We have until October 25th. All right. There we go. that's that that That doesn't mean wait till October 25th. Yes.
but john those kickstar a little bit of trend yeah this Let's let's stop this Kickstarter trend of like all in at the beginning and wait for nothing for 20 days a night. Oh shit. I forgot. And like it it causes such anxiety to the creator. Please. yeah Let's stop torturing our creators.
and start and start and start fostering growth but and he torture, not torture. um But we'll post links to ah to all of the you know to the Kickstarter and in the show notes here, as well as ah you know where to follow you on Instagram and nine to five warriors. We'll make sure we post all of that good stuff so that way everyone can um can can keep can keep themselves informed as to what's ah what's coming next and ah and also yeah to to back the project. And, you know,
I think it's obvious at this point, but we're excited. Love ourselves from Nine to Five Warriors, and we can't wait to see what you do next, Ben. Appreciate it, man. Thank you for this platform. Thank you for doing what you guys do. The podcast kicks ass. You guys have amazing industry leaders. You have the indie supporters. You're just doing it all. So thank you, guys. Seriously. Hey, it's our pleasure. Thank you.
You know, do it having these conversations is the the reason why we do this. It's the most fun part. Yeah, for sure. In the dark or otherwise. I never like it. We just do the rest of the show in the dark next time. Yeah, I i like the the shadow play here that that's happening. Like a film noir type of situation. But my phone, it's gonna die.
It's real, it's real close. I'm like treading on on thin water here or thin ice treading on thin ice water. he's So much so we're making up stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Just making up analogies. Um, Dave, send us home before, before this power outage sends me home for good. As you are already home. Um, so instead of playing making a toys out of your desk, you can add toys to your desk.
Thank you, dear listener, for hanging out with us today. Subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you listen, and then tell your friends to do it. Thanks also to Joe Azari, the golden voice behind our intro. Our music is Game Boy Horror by the Zombie Dandies. Find more about them both on our show notes. Follow us on social media at AIC underscore podcast on Instagram and Twitter. Stop by and say hi. Show us your toy hauls and share your toy stories. Maybe we'll talk about it in a future episode.
don't try this at home void where prohibited in some assembly required each sold separately not a flying toy consult a physician if your toy run exceeds more than four hours
This has been a non-productive media presentation. Executive producer Frank Kablaui. This program and many others like it on the non-productive network is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license. Please share it, but ask before trying to change it or sell it. For more information, visit non-productive.com.