then there's the patient that comes in and you're like, oh my gosh, that is half a centimeter deep. There are structures I can see that I shouldn't be able to see. There's things inside there and they're like, oh, I don't know, it's squirting and it's kind of going everywhere. So yeah, I think there's there's like different levels of DEF CON awareness that we go through. And so I i don't really have like a category to say like, okay, this one I don't care about so much, this one is easy. and um But I would say when I feel like it is past the layer of the base of the dermis, and it's hard to identify, but when I can honestly, from a basic, basic perspective, when I feel like I can see other stuff, right? Like there's like, okay, I see other things inside there. We put a post up a while ago.