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Ok we lied - we're not done with 2024 just yet. After feeling like we didn't give our friends at Jazwares enough love in our best of 2024 mega list, here are Erik and Dave's Top 10 lists from the 2024 list of releases from Jazwares' AEW line!

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Intro and other voices by Joe Azzari

Theme Music is "Game Boy Horror" by the Zombie Dandies

Proudly part of the Non-Productive Network


Introduction to Adventures in Collecting

Are you ready, kids? Get your parents' permission, check your mailbox, and grab your shopping cart. It's time for the Adventures in Collecting podcast. I'm Eric. And I'm Dave. Welcome to Adventures in Collecting, where we talk toy news, culture, and hauls. Along with our journeys as collectors. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Adventures in Collecting.
Hello. ah Dave, we lied on the last episode. No, we didn't lie about that. We are still not sponsored by Liquid Death or this fine hot cup of i pop culture coffee company. Allow me to murder my thirst.
Allow me to caffeinate. um With some squeezed to death, liquid death, orange flavor. I hear their Dr. Pepper one is is mighty fine. It is quite good. But the cans are small, so I would have needed like two of them at least. Also, shouts to your Tidewater hat. My Norfolk Tides hat, thank you. Oh, they're not the Tidewater anymore? No. They're the Tidewater back in like the day. Tidewater Tides, yes. Yeah.
um But we we lied on the last episode, because on the last episode, we said that we were done with 2024. Yes. And we were putting it in

Discussion on Jazzwares' AEW Figures

the rear view. Well, um we lied. We are not done with 2024. We have one more top of list. We're giving a little bit of of extra love to our friends over at Jazzwares and the the AEW action figure line.
i they If you listened and watched the last episode, you will know who the number one is going to be on this list for Dave and I, as we both had exactly one AEW jazzwares figure on our list. So we will talk a little bit about him again in this episode, but since we didn't really cover off- And we showed off our top 10 Mattels on on the old Instagram. Yep, yep. At AIC Understore Podcast. Right there.
Um, we're going to do ah a top five. We're just going to do a top five, uh, AW jazzwares releases, uh, according to top five first songs, first song side one.
According to the good folks over at the Wrestling Figure Database, which by the way, if you are not if you are a wrestling figure collector and you are not aware of the Wrestling Figure Database, ah do yourself a favor, visit, because ah according to that absolutely incredible website, ah they released 95 figures this year, which is no small feat. I mean, it's it's a good good field of figures.
um you know, I think it goes without saying that this this year, ah there were some kind of continuing feedback, some some issues with some some body staining on on some of the figures this year, ah though we will actually talk, I think,
I'm going to talk about it, I don't know if you're going to talk about it, but there's a couple of changes with some of the ah the soft goods that we're moving in the right direction there to ah to avoid future stained bodies. That's what I think, I don't have that figure yet. Okay, so yeah, well, I'll make sure to mention that. but ah But with all of that being said, they still did have a really cool year. It's been an interesting year for AEW in terms of the wrestling product. But we've had some really cool figures this year. So let's take a little bit of time. And we got to ask people about them. That's right. I almost forgot about that. So yeah, 2024, a really, really important year for us. Go watch the full gear media scrum. Yeah.
we We got media credentialed for AW. We got to go to the scrum. um Yeah. And we'll, we'll put a link in the description below where you can watch our questions. You can watch um and we watch as we try to break MVP, but he is, he is unbreakable. Um, yeah, we watch, watch where, um, the internet thinks that Mercedes clowned us, even though she was clearly in character.
Yep, yep, yep. Really cool experience. um But yeah, so AW closed our

Support and Reviews of AEW Figures

hearts. you know We've been following the line since the very beginning. Obviously, our our our friends at Jazzwares, which by the way, quick shout to ah Jeremy Pedower of Jazzwares, who unfortunately lost his home and his entire collection in these absolutely dreadful wildfires that are happening in California throughout ah you know the the Los Angeles area.
um Shouts to everyone out there, be safe, be prudent, be aware. Yeah, it's ah it's it's heartbreaking, ah but yeah we're we're happy and to to know that he hate him, his family, his pets, they're they're all safe, um which is really- Yeah, as as much as we love these things, and there are definitely things that like they no longer exist now that he does not have them, um you know the the fact that people are still
alive or people have passed, um depending, you know, there are people who have passed in the fires. You know, that's the living things are the most important.
For sure, for sure. um But with all of that being said, let's celebrate something. And i in in this case, we are going to celebrate what we believe are- Shouts to Dan, too. Oh, yeah, yeah, of of course. all All of our friends, Chris Metzger, all the folks at Jazzwares. Dan Friedman. um Yeah, so let's jump into our our top fives. We'll start at the bottom and work our way up. ah Dave, do you want to start with your first ah first pick?
Yes, I can, because it would be weird if I didn't at that point. um So my first one is, I mean, this is, it was technically like, I think it was purchased in 2023, but yeah we're going with shipped. Like this was unleashed on the public in 2024.
And that is the ShopAW out of 1000, Jamie Hader all in London edition. This was gear she was supposed to have worn on the pay-per-view, however she was injured at the time. um So it's really cool. It's, you know, UK edition on the back, which is really neat. There's an Osprey apparently coming this year, based off of last year. Yeah. um But yeah, it's this was technically her first figure that was... um I don't think her first figure came out when this was a announced.
e I don't remember. I'm pretty sure that was the case. I don't remember. yeah It's been a long time. I have the other Jamie Hader. I have the the unmatched Jamie Hader. Great figure. but Yeah, great figure. Likeness is really good on it. Only a thousand, so it's really cool. um It will go back in the Defender, but I wanted it out because the glare would have been way worse.
Yeah. And that full bleed image on the on the back, really cool. Love that they do that, you know, in lieu of the cross cells. Yeah. because there Well, especially since there was no image from a match, right? Yep. Yep. Yep. Very cool. um My number five is a figure that our character, a character.
a A talent that has had ah quite a few figures already um was something that i going way back to when we had ah magic and and Jeremy on the pod but before this character, I said it again, character.
Before this wrestler came out for the first time, we said, we've you know, you got to do a way to engineer those those hands in the pockets ah for Orange Cassidy. and And they did. Those silicone jeans worked really well. ah They hinder a little bit of the movement. So I am ultimately, while I'm happy that we have that version of the figure, I'm really happy that we now have this version of Orange Cassidy. So this is unrivaled Series 16 Orange Cassidy.
ah He's rocking the black denim this time. You can see that ah gone are the silicone pants, so he can't- The drawstring. Yeah, he he can't put his hands in his pockets anymore. um He can feign it, but he can't actually do it. But still, this figure now moves, so you know you're not hindered in the the upper thigh ah portion, so you can really get him into kind of action poses for you know the the orange punch, especially you know that kind of jumping, flying punch.
um New accessory, we've got ah a Jansport style backpack here on ah on orange and he's got the ah he's got the strap in there too. Title fits in there really nicely. um Great job on the, this was at the time, I think this was the international ah championship. Yeah, it's the international again. The second time he had it, it was international. Yeah, so ah yeah and really, really great figure. Everything else is is similar. Now, the one thing I wanted to call out You would think in previous AEW releases that this ah these soft goods would be all black, black on the inside, um which would...
give you some pause to take this out of the box thinking that he was going to be stained. However, um they have switched the inside material to be be white. So ah really, really smart. That means that we're not getting stained biceps and and stained body parts. ah Hopefully we see more of that in the future. But that is my ah my number five pick.

Discounts and Exclusive Figures at Comic-Con

And a quick shout as we go through these this list, I believe Most of, most of, we can't say all, most of these figures that you will see ah in this in our list today, they are all available ah at Ringside Collectibles. And you, listener and watcher, um can save yourself 10% on your whole order at Ringside Collectibles with ah code AIC at checkout. I think maybe one of mine would be. i Maybe, yeah.
Well, a lot of the Ring of Honor ones are are on there now. Yeah, I think that's the only one. All right. But yeah, so that's my number five pick. Dave, hit us with number four. ah Number four, I'm going to go with this one. um You'll probably have this person, um this wrestler in your list, I would imagine.
um You know, ah just a complete, yeah, this is really a shout out to Dan, um this one here, um because This is like just, you know, a deco hit dream or nightmare, depending on, you know, budget and stuff, but now add to it, like, you know,
da death metal paint, face paint. And you have the Walmart exclusive Brody King. um You know, it's kind of like we've had very bloody Brody King, which is another really great figure.
um and then regular Brody King, and then you have like what is effectively like lead singer of God's hate Brody King figure with the ski mask. um But I think this just with the paint, especially if you're gonna put them with, ah if you're gonna do Kings of the Black Throne and put them with the Supreme Malachi is is a great figure.
Yeah, very good figure. And that Walmart exclusive, um as of the recording of this episode, so the beginning here of January 2025, still floating around in some Walmarts. Yeah, you you might still be able to find him out on the shelves, but maybe not online. Yeah. ah So my number four ah is from the same series as my previous pick. So we're sticking with unrivaled series 16. The Charismatic Enigma. Jeff Hardy.
um There have been now three Jeff Hardy AEW figures. There was a shirtless one um and where he's in like more like jeans. Then there's the two-pack. And then there's this. And in the two-pack, he has kind of the fishnet top on. ah This figure comes with alternate hands, comes with an alternate, um more kind of neutral face.
i He's got his tied-on towel hanging out of his the back of his ah his pants here. But ah this partnered with the Matt Hardy figure from the same wave. I honestly think that these are my favorite Hardee's figures that like across the board, like even even compared to you know other brands. um I love the deco on the face.
I think the face paint is awesome. He's got those awesome gauges in his ears. i The amount of movement you get out of it, the poses you can hit. ah With that extra torso ah crunch, the like double torso crunch, you can really get him in kind of into kind of that like dance pose that he hits you know when he during his entrance. Obviously, you know with the the signature hands and fingers, he's even got ah Deco on the hands, which is really, really great. Just a really, really solid figure from a talent that has had quite a few figures over the years. This is my favorite. Probably one of the most toyetic wrestlers ever.
Oh, definitely. He's right up there with, like, you know, your Rey Mysterio, Jr. Rey Mysterio. You know, ah i don't I still call him a junior. Rey Mysterio, um Undertaker, you know, he's right up there with those super-toyetic figures. He does such a great job with that, designing his his face, you know, his face paint. So, ah again, shouts to to Dan. and I think what's cool about that one, too, is that his eyes are technically closed. Yes, and this one... No, you can see that they're open.
Okay. Yeah, you can see that they're open in this. I thought that one. But yeah, I get what you're saying. I thought it was the it was an eyes closed um painted eyelids one. Yeah, a really, really great figure. And I love the all black. Isn't one of them? i Maybe the Amazon two pack is eyes closed. I think it might be. That's what the, he's got like purple hits in the face. I think it's that one. Okay. I think you're right. I think it's that one. Because the first one was I think like night one.
Yeah, he's he comes with the steel chair and he's has no face paint you get the cool like ah that uh The way his beard is cut his like OT is cut he's got that like chin strap looking thing um Yeah Also, for I've never seen that figure same in person never seen it in person. I don't have it. I've never seen it I like it, but number three Dave um number three is one that um
I didn't think i'd I'd have, but we happened upon it. um Thanks to somebody who went to San Diego Comic Con. And it is... God, I love this figure. San Diego Comic Con exclusive. um I believe this was Anarchy in the Arena. or um Yeah, the Anarchy in the Arena, Kenny Omega. um It's a Supreme too, which is like...
kind of low-key slept-on fact of this. I actually didn't realize that. Yeah, it's ah it's a Supreme. That's great. I had i honestly had no idea. i come I completely missed... You're right, that is a slept-on fact about that figure. mist Missed that. Another limited one out of a thousand. um But it's Kenny Omega in like the Captain Canada gear.
It's like Captain America, but it's Canada. It's pretty great. And doesn't he have a trash can lit as a shield? I think that's one of the accessories. Yes. Which is just, just so good. But it was also like the best most Toyota gear in the match. Like yeah if there was only gonna be one figure made from that Anarchy in the Arena, it was gonna be Kenny Omega. And that figure, if I recall correctly. Because this wasn't Blood and Guts, if I remember correctly. No, no, no, no. I think it was Anarchy in the Arena.
That was only available at San Diego Comic Con too, right? Like that didn't have a an online. That's never been, not any of the um AEW San Diego Comic Cons have only ever been at Comic Con. But this is the first one that has been, I'll say a new figure. Yeah. Because the Brodie Lee was um basically a repackage.
So it was the Sting. Sting was a repackage, but in ah in a cool package. And this was the first, like, new figure. Yeah. And again, shouts to the the packaging team, Steve and and and Chris on that. They did such a good job blending like the Captain America and and the Canadian, you know, it's got like the maple leaf cutaway and stuff. But also with the at the Omega. Yeah, just so good. And it looks kind of like a comic book cover, too, now that I'm looking at it again.
Yeah, very, very cool. It's a great figure. um Speaking of good packaging, I don't have it handy. I just have the figure loose here. But um this was a surprise for me, a figure that I wasn't intending on um on getting. But after seeing pictures of it and you know ah ringside being kind enough to to send a sample over to us, um this one stayed in my collection. I love this guy in the ring.
And I think they did a great job with the Switchblade J-White exclusive that they have. So again, ah unique soft goods, they they do, if there's one thing that you can't knock jazzwares forever is their leather um soft goods material is so good. It's the closest thing to action figure leather that I that i really can think of. um it's It's thick, it has that kind of texturing,
of leather. I have a new computer, so I don't know. There we go. Now we can actually see, look at that resolution. You could see the texture in the leather. Again, the the the the um ah screen print on the ah logo and his name, just great. I i love the expression. You even got the jacket sitting correctly on them. Yeah. So some of ah my favorite head sculpts, that jazz, it's it's funny.
I don't always care for the Mattel screaming faces, but for whatever reason, Jazzwares has like their screaming heads on on point here almost. yeah I love this the screaming head on him. I think it looks great.
And I typically go for just in in general, regardless of action figure line, I like a more neutral head sculpt. But I love the jazzwares screaming heads, almost almost all of them, like if they have an option with the mouth open, I typically go with it. But um again, just you know, the attention to detail. they have They have the best punk screaming head.
the hash marks on his gear here, down to the deco on his boots. Just an awesome figure and a great ringside exclusive. Now there is another Jay White coming. Mm-hmm, soon. He's in an unmatched wave that should be hitting soon. It's kind of a, I'll say a more current. Yeah. Jay White, this was kind of like debut-ish Bullet Club still, Jay White.
yep Yep. Oh, and then- But it's great. I just shout out to the the necklace with the switchblade on it. Just really cool. Yeah, I love Jay White. That's a great figure. ah So that's my number three. And now, a word from our sponsors.
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And now, back to the show. Which brings us to your number two. um This one was high up there on the first half of the year list.
And yeah, it's still really good. um Probably, I guess this might be kind of coming back as it were.

Overview of AEW's Best Figures of the Year

um now that he's returned to um Ring of Danhausen, and that is Ring of Honor Danhausen. And like um and I could give you a little loose loose look here as Dave talks. What I like about it is, you know, whereas the AEW figures are... Now granted, Danhausen, since he's been in Ring of Honor originally pre-pandemic, the um Red around his eyes hasn't changed for the makeup, but we all know Danhausen's face is actually black and white. um It's just the makeup is the red around his eyes. So, um you know, it matches his kind of Ring of Honor run, original Ring of Honor run, especially with the the cape. He's had more kind of the not dirty bloody cape
um in in dirt in his time with AEW, but this also is the jazz-words debut of the Jar of Teeth, which is fantastic. It's a fantastic accessory. And, you know, love that Danhausen. Dan, house and yeah and you may be asking yourself, hey, that face looks funny. um That's because I gave him the repay repaint of the little Pazuzu-inspired ah you know makeup there.
Evil Danhausen from evil Full Gear three years ago. Yeah. ah ah The first Full Gear in in Newark. I don't know if we'll ever get this in in a figure as I drop the teeth. I don't know if we'll ever get this this this look in a figure. Absolute shame if we don't. um But i i this this being my third Danhausen figure, I had ah at least one of the heads was a...
um was a duplicate so I figured I'll take one and I'll sacrifice it to the gods of fix up but uh shouts to again again again again shouts to Dan uh I absolutely love the tattoo work on this figure that chest tattoo is is really cool and they you know they absolutely crushed it I mean it's is like
if If you went up to 100 wrestling fans and showed them that chest tattoo, you'd be like, oh, Danhausen. Do you know what my favorite detail about every Danhausen figure, though, is? Go on. Do you want to guess? Do you want to guess? The curse hands? No. Very cool, but no. Smaller detail. Much smaller detail. Is it that his face is always on the, oh, no, the docks, yeah. The lacing. I love that they have the docks.
yellow I wonder if Saraias is like that too I have to look I don't have that figure yeah but yeah really really cool figure this is this is like a permanent I don't really have like a a very as many wrestling figures as I have. I don't really have like a big wrestling figure display on my office. I typically just put like the current champions for each, you know, for AEW and for WWE, but there are two figures that are out regardless of the time, you know, regardless of their status. Actually, Eric, I think that's only Ring of Honor where he wore the docs. I don't think his AEW figures are docs. I thought it was on every figure.
I don't think it is. I'm i'm looking really quickly. i'm Because i he's he's like boots now. Well now he is, but... Right, then he wasn't. Let's see. No, it's on the it's on the the Ringside exclusive, the very nice, very evil. Okay. One. Let me see if it's on the other one. I don't i don't actually have that one, you have that one. um The Amazon? That's the one I'm looking up.
Yeah, it's on all of them. Okay, so it's not I know. routine I know at a certain point he switched to boots like proper.
He's had so many um micro brawlers. Oh, my God. Yeah. Well, he's. But yeah, I actually I have and I have a good one. I got the Back to the Future one. I love I love that detail. And yeah, it is on the Amazon one as well. OK, yellow.
Alright, so where does that bring us to? My number two? Yes. So my number two is a wrestler we talked about already. Somebody who is seemingly about to have a rocket strapped to him and deservedly so. This version is the, oh God, I already, I lost what, I was too busy searching Danhaus and I lost. You have the regular release of this? The regular release of this. But I will get in just two seconds here, unmatched series eight.
So this is the unmatched Series 8 standard release of Roadie King. um Everything that that Dave said about the ah the the Walmart exclusive carries over to this. Again, just like absolutely incredible amounts of Deco on on this figure. I love the the cloak, so I typically leave it on him, but um he is just...
He is a toy budget nightmare with the amount of deco that's on him. like like He's like almost purposely designed to put your toy line over budget.
the amount of deco that's on him. It's just everywhere. um But I'm a huge, huge Brody King fan. It's probably why suited Malachi was in that series. Probably. I'm, ah I'm really, really excited to see, you know, what kind of happens next with him. But ah this, this figure is fantastic comes with two heads, you get the the ah yeah standard Brody King head, and then you get the one with the the headgear um from the amazing entrance of the House of Black. ah Very curious to see what happens with the House of Black going forward, but ah one thing that that is for certain is that Brody King is a a certified star, and i I think I speak on behalf of of Dave as well, but like nothing but the best for this man. ah Yeah, i'm i'm I'm a long time
Brody fam can't musically ends In the ring. Yeah, can't can't wait to see what ah what this guy does next But yeah, so that's that's my ah my second pick which takes us to our our number one. All right three two one Sting whoa, whoa Give us a woo in the chat ah Yeah, I mean if you if you watched our top ten of the year um You'll have heard us talk about this, but if you didn't, we're gonna talk about him again. And if you did, you're gonna hear us talk about him again. Supreme Sting. But if you didn't, you should go back and watch that. You should. Or listen to it, either one. Yeah, watch, listen to it. ah Supreme Sting, best AEW figure of all time ah so far. This this figure is is incredible. Yeah, I think I can... I would make that... I would allow that argument, yeah.
ah It's it's just it's just fantastic i might have agreed back on the best of show, but I don't want to like contradict myself I think you actually put that out into the universe on the last show. and I agree with you. Yeah, I would say it's Yeah, it's arguably the best one yeah There are a couple that are close, but... and And it's, I think... And they're all Supremes, by the way? yeah I was gonna say, kent Kenny Omega and and ah Malachi and CM Punk would would would like to have a word. But, um yeah, I think arguably also one of the best Sting figures, you know, period that's ever been made. You get so many different looks with this figure. um You get ah the best execution of melted face paint
ever um i mean just melt like he's under heat yeah i would say faded faded um rubbed off uh yeah it's just it's it's just a really like he's the like he's it's house of wax like he's tote in uh in indiana jones he's melting um yeah no it's just it's such a good figure and this supreme body There are just so many possibilities with it, the amount of movement you get out of it, the butterflies, the toe joints. As you can see, he holds together really well. He's not a wobbly figure. Yeah, I mean, he could do everything that you need a sting figure to do. He can hit the, he's got the, he could do the nice wide arms. Thanks to those. For a splash. You know, thanks to those butterflies for a splash. He can cross them over to grab his own hands.
So that way you can, you know, really put the scorpion death lock on somebody. Uh, same with being able to do the arms. Yeah. He can, he can pound his chest. Uh, and thanks to, uh, you know, the, the kind of cross compatibility of all of the, the AWW figures.
If you have any of the previous releases of Sting with the different face makeup, um you can swap those heads on for like a standard and ah neutral, like regular Sting.
You get the long sleeve shirt, you get the short sleeve shirt, you get one of the best soft goods that has ever been made for any wrestling figure ever. The best jacket of all time. Yeah, it's it's you get the bat, you get a bunch of different hands. um It's just an incredible figure. And as somebody who is, you know Sting is is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. um I hold this this figure very near and dear. And I look- And I think the the thing that we both said too in the best of of the year is that like they gave him an old guy body without making it an embarrassing old guy body? Yes, that's the other thing too. I mean, you you can you could get away, you know, if you if you have an an older, um basic or elite sting, and, and, you know, you pop the head off and put this on here and put him in a ring next to Hogan, it works. um and And really that that this gets you
without needing to fudge anything, this gets you basically TNA run straight through to the end. And with some clever posing, you could really get away with a clever posing in a different head. You can get away with ah this being a WCW era sting as well. So it it really is like the quintessential sting figure ah in in my book. And I'm really excited for... It's for sure the great best sting figure ever.
I'm really excited for the surface thing that's coming out soon. um You know, just to kind of get one of those into the collection. With the ah the chase being, what's his face? um but Blade Runner. Yeah, yeah. To to go with that a certain Legends... ah That one's close. It's not quite. It's close enough. It's close enough.
Um, but yeah, uh, absolutely fantastic year for, uh, for jazzwares, uh, and, and the AW line. And, um, again, you know, just really looking forward to their kind of continued improvement and addressing, you know, some of the fan feedback and the criticism and, um, you know, some of the things that might have turned people off from the line a little bit, you know, course correcting, uh, they're definitely listening.
they're They're definitely listening and that's something that, you know, we affectionately refer to him as Uncle Jeremy. That's something that, you know, he prides himself on, you know, is that his connection with with the fandom and, you know, with understanding that... Dan as well. Yep, yep. Yeah, we had a we had a ah chance to talk with Dan and i recently and, you know, some of the things that that ah ah He told us we're seeing them happen. So we got to have him back on the pod soon. Oh, absolutely. Got to get him back on. um Maybe after the next round of of reveals, they'll probably do something at what? ah What's the next one? Next big one? Next big one's all in. All in. They'll probably do something. No, that's in July. um All out?
I can never remember the order of that. Oh, Revolution's the next one. That's probably doesn't, I don't think that has a fan fest. I think Vegas does, so doubling one thing. Double nothing, yeah. Which is the spring. Yeah. Yeah. May. A few months out. But yeah, really excited to see what comes next from the- Well, I mean.
maybe in March. Oh, that's true. We might see some new stuff at Toy Fair. That's a good point. Might see some stuff there. So yeah, let's keep our eyes out. um But we want to hear if you collect the AEW jazzwares line, we want to hear what your favorite release was of the year. So um if you're watching this here on YouTube,
comments below. Let us know what was your favorite jazzwares AEW figure of 2024. And Dave, we also want to hear from them on our Instagram. Yeah, um as mentioned at the the top of the show at AIC underscore podcast, you'll usually see a few days beforehand when we're going to have a guest on um We actually know our next guest. we can We can say you can go and leave questions for this next guest now. we We're planning ahead. Go ahead, Eric. um So we have ah the Cursed Dead toy line launched on

Upcoming Guests and Cursed Dead Toy Line

Kickstarter. it's It's live now through February 1st. from longtime toy veterans, ah toy industry veterans, Phil Ramirez. You'll know his work from the stuff he's done at ToyBiz and ah Playmates. He's he's done a bunch of toys that ah that you love.
and you have no idea that he did them um but the fill is an amazing amazing talent and then on. Friend of the pod ah Adam van wickler you might know him from a toy me goes but he also ah works at gentle giant.
and he does a lot of, has done a lot of work for them for a very long time. ah We're going to have the two of them on the show. The Cursed Dead is an awesome 1-12 scale toy line reimagining some of the classic monsters from, you know, from kind of the lore of, of monster and horror and sci-fi. Two guests who are long overdue to be on. Yeah, this is, this is true. I know Adam we've been working on for a working every time we see him. yeah every Every time we see him, it comes up in conversation. But and we finally wrangled them. um They have a ah ah ah great story behind this toy line, something that they've been working on for a long time. um And you know it's it's at the time of this recording, I want to say it's a little, a hair over 60K into the funding, ah which is just shy of halfway. I think they're looking for 170 or 175. So they're getting there. um But you know we know how this goes with Kickstarters.
It's hot in the beginning, it cools off in the middle, it gets hot at the end. So the timing will be perfect for this because we'll have them on. Full of stretch. Yeah, the episode will air on January 27th, which is a date with no meaning whatsoever and nobody's worried about it. It's Eric's birthday.
yeah It's Aaron on my birthday. um But yeah, so i look for that ah on January 27th. And if you want to do a little research ahead of the episode and you want to take a look at what they have to offer, it's We'll take you and give you all the information that you need. But to Dave's point, ah we have a a way for you to interact with this episode.
Yeah, so there'll be a story um up in a couple days, probably closer to the week. oh If by the time this airs, it will be there already. And um that'll be a spot for you to ask ask a question. um I wish there was like a way to do a pinned story where it could just stay up for like a week. ah We will put it, you know what, we'll put it in highlights. We'll figure that out. If you missed the 24 hour window to drop your questions,
in um actually will pin the post. So if you missed the 24 hour window to put put the questions in, there will be a pinned post on our ah on our Instagram and you can leave it in the comments there as well.
and will be the case going forward. That was an idea we just had right now. yeah and um Anyway, you can post your question and you know it may just be one featured question, it may be many questions, but we're gonna try to get ah your questions into the into the ears of the creators themselves and um hopefully we can get your questions answered by Phil and There's another way you can ask questions too. You can call our hotline. Yes, he can um you The hotline's been back for a little bit. It, like a Kickstarter, started off really hot. It's cooled off a little bit. Leave leave that message. um Call up and you know also keep an eye. Oh, Eric, what's the phone number for that?
It is 973 or I'm sorry, 1-973-750-8256 and you can call that number 24-7-365. No one will ever answer it. You will never bother anybody. It is going to go straight to voicemail. You will hear me asking you to leave a message.
And that could be for this episode for The Cursed Dead or just in general. Like, yeah if you want to leave us a message and be like, hey, you guys smell like farts, um you can absolutely leave that message. And I would say, how did you know what I ate? And yeah.
Yeah, so I think that's that's the whole housekeeping part. Keep an eye out on YouTube, too. We're trying to figure out how this live thing works. Yeah, I I'm I have something that is going to be I hopefully can get um I don't want to say I don't want to promise it and then it's sold out and I can't get it. So um yeah, I think I think I'm going to try to institute some sort of figure Friday thing if I can if I can acquire a box of or two of something that's coming back out for the first time in a few years.
um then maybe we'll open it live okay for them live. Yeah, um we're gonna try to do some like some live stuff. I'm gonna try. We'll try to make it live. Or maybe if you enough people leave a voicemail, we'll do like a live Q and&A, you know? I don't know. A mailbag episode? Are we big enough for a mailbag? We've been doing this for five years. We haven't had a mail. we I wanna be able to do a mailbag episode. yeah If you are listening to this right now, I'm gonna read the phone number off again.
i'm gonna I'm gonna read it off again. I'm gonna read it slowly. I would love, here's my 2025 request to you listeners and and and watchers. Before the end of the year, I would love to do an AIC mailbag episode, which requires mail, or in this case, voicemail. Voicemail. Yeah, don't text. that That doesn't work. We're not that sophisticated.
I don't know what would even happen if you texted this number. You could try it. It would probably bounce back at you. I won't be mad if you try. I don't think it will. I think we can get text messages. So if you're more comfortable and you don't want to hear your voice on this show. I'm going to try this while we're recording. All right. The number is 1-973-750-8256.
six Call that number. I want to do a mailbag episode this year, and i we can't do it without your help. So ah we want to hear your lovely voices. Call the number. Is that right? Hold on. I closed the window.
8256. Oh, so then bleep that out. That doesn't matter. 1 9 7 3 I don't want to give out the wrong number 7 5 0 8 2 5 6 that's the number that's the number you need to it's the number you need to call or potentially text we're gonna we're gonna tell you in a second if you can text the number because because Dave is trying trying this out in the moment one more time Oh my god, Dave. Yeah, I'm bad. ah All right. It is I got it. All right. Let's see. Let's see.
It works. OK, so you can text. You have no excuse. You can also text this number. There is no excuse. You have no excuse. If you don't want to hear your voice and you just want to. Which is fine. I barely want to hear mine. Totally get it. Totally get it. Text us. We want to do a mailbag episode. If you call or text, tell us your first name, where you're at, and then your question. So that's all we need. Question, comment, whatever.
um Yeah, we want to do it. ah Oh, I'll give an extra shout out. Okay. um So shouts to um the major wrestling figure podcast. They recently had their major rager. You might be able to see two people who you are looking at right now.
We're in that YouTube video. We're in the video. Go watch. We were there. It was a lot of fun. It was awesome. It was a lot of fun. I think with that though, let's wrap this up. Let's send it home. Dave, closing remarks.
um yeah Oh, call the hotline or text. We want that mailbag episode. And ask anything. like It doesn't have to be about figures. Well, you want to ask me but about hats and jerseys and sneakers or records, whatever.
video games, we'll answer it. We'll answer it.
thank you dear listener for hanging out with us today subscribe rate and review us wherever you listen and then tell your friends to do it thanks also to joe azari the golden voice behind our intro our music is gamebo horror by the zombie dandies find more about them both in our show notes Follow us on social media at AIC underscore podcast on Instagram and Twitter. Stop by and say hi. Show us your toy hauls and share your toy stories. Maybe we'll talk about it in a future episode.
don't try this at home void where prohibited and some assembly required each sold separately not a flying toy consult a physician if your toy run exceeds more than four hours
This has been a non-productive media presentation. Executive producer, Franca Blaui. This program and many others like it on the non-productive network is distributed under a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial no derivatives license. Please share it, but ask before trying to change it or sell it. For more information, visit