71 | Your Regularly-Scheduled Business Breakdown image
E71 · In the Clinic with Camille
71 | Your Regularly-Scheduled Business Breakdown
169 Plays
9 days ago

If you stay in practice long enough, you'll have a business breakdown. These are periods where you're rethinking or restructuring at the highest level. During this time, things can get worse before they get better. In this episode, Camille discusses the inevitable disruptions that occur when you make big changes and shares her personal experiences of navigating a challenging time. She offers insights into how to manage these periods of upheaval and come out stronger on the other side.

Key Points:

  • Introduction to the Episode (00:00:01)
  • Understanding Disruptions in Clinical Practice (00:00:39)
  • Having a full business breakdown is never fun, but it's something you can count on every few years.
  • Navigating the Breakdown (00:02:11)
  • An example from Camille's most recent business breakdown; perspective can help. It's okay and normal for this to happen, and you can get through the seemingly unending bits and pieces.
  • Tips for Managing Business Tasks (00:04:24)
  • No one feels fully prepared to deal with business disruptions. Keep a list of what needs to happen. Check things off. You'll get through it eventually whether you stress about it or whether you don't stress about it. Get help if you're stuck.
  • New Podcast Platforms (00:08:06)
  • The podcast will (hopefully!) be on YouTube as well as the standard podcasting platforms going forward. Check it out and let me know if you see it there!

In summary: Business disruptions are normal and you can manage them. Really.

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