165. Embracing A Non-Traditional Editing Style With Anni Graham image
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165. Embracing A Non-Traditional Editing Style With Anni Graham
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3 months ago

Do you have a non-traditional editing style that you feel like may not be as welcomed or desired in the market you want to be in?

If you're struggling to gain the confidence in your editing style and find your seat at the table, then this episode is just for you.

This week, we have the honor of sitting down with world-renowed, luxury wedding photographer, educator, and mother, Anni Graham. We can't tell you just how much she's not only inspired us as creatives, but shaped our perspectives owning a non-traditional editing style in the luxury market.

Today's episode is for anyone who feels like they have a unique editing style that doesn't quite follow "mainstream" style in your niche, but is struggling to embrace or even recognize if there's space for you within your desired market.

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