First up, the big one, the big change that's just come in this year is the first homeowners grant, which is now $30,000 towards buying or building a brand new home. The catch is again, the property needs to be valued at $750,000 or less. The next scheme available in Queensland is the first home concession. It's all about giving you a break on stamp duty. So if you're buying a home up to $700,000, there's no stamp duty in Queensland for first home buyers. If you're buying something for $700,000, $800,000, you get a discounted rate. Concessions do change on vacant land So if you are looking at vacant land, and check out the stamp duty calculator on our website. If you're looking at going regional, you might be eligible for the regional home building boost. This is an extra $5,000 on top of the first homeowners grant. So if you're building a house in regional Queensland, you potentially get up to $35,000, provide you meet the other terms and conditions, mostly on that 750 value. Now time to head west now to WA. The first homeowners grant in Western Australia is $10,000. Again, it applies only to brand new homes or units I've never been lived in before. Perth gets a bit confusing with the property value limits. The value limit is 750,000 if your home is south of the 26th parallel, which includes Perth and most major towns, or a million dollars if you're up north. Where WA has a little bit of catching up to do is the stamp duty concession. So unlike the other states, it's a little bit lower. So if you're buying a home up to $430,000, stamp duty is waived and it's only discounted between $430,000 and $530,000. Obviously property prices in WA have gone nuts over the last 12 months. So keep an eye on that. Hopefully the government catches up. Western Australia has also introduced a build for me scheme. This is a shared equity program aimed at lower income owners who are struggling to get into the property market. And this scheme, the government will co-own up to 30% of the property with you.