Is HTML the easiest or hardest to get right? image
General Musings with Kevin Powell
Is HTML the easiest or hardest to get right?
Is HTML the easiest or hardest to get right?

The podcast is back! And in this episode, I talked about how the difficulties of semantic HTML. 

If you ask any front-end developer what the easiest language is between HTML, CSS, and JS, and everyone is going to say HTML, right?

It’s funny though, because most of the things I hem and haw over the longest are often related to how to mark something up in my HTML.


935 Plays
3 months ago

The podcast is back! And in this episode, I talked about how the difficulties of semantic HTML. 

If you ask any front-end developer what the easiest language is between HTML, CSS, and JS, and everyone is going to say HTML, right?

It’s funny though, because most of the things I hem and haw over the longest are often related to how to mark something up in my HTML.

