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Premium Toyetic Event: 2024 Ring of Honor Final Battle and AEW World's End image

Premium Toyetic Event: 2024 Ring of Honor Final Battle and AEW World's End

Adventures in Collecting Toy Collecting Podcast
204 Plays2 months ago

On this special double edition of Premium Toyetic Event, we're taking a look at both 2024 AEW World's End and Ring of Honor Final Battle! Join us as we unpack who we felt were the top toyetic talent from these two big-ticket premium live events from the pro wrestling world's two most popular companies.

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Intro and other voices by Joe Azzari

Theme Music is "Game Boy Horror" by the Zombie Dandies

Proudly part of the Non-Productive Network


Introduction to 'Adventures in Collecting'

Are you ready, kids? Get your parents' permission, check your mailbox, and grab your shopping cart. It's time for the Adventures in Collecting podcast. I'm Eric. And I'm Dave. Welcome to Adventures in Collecting, where we talk toy news, culture, and halls, along with our journeys as collectors.

Premium Toyatic Event Miniseries Launch

Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Adventures in Collecting Premium Toyatic Event. This is, of course, our miniseries where we tackle the latest premium live events from our favorite professional wrestling organizations. So this week we have a double feature coming at you with Ring of Honor's Final Battle and AEW's World's End.
So in just a moment, I'm going to kick it over to

Exploring Ring of Honor's Final Battle

Dave. He is actually going to tackle ah Ring of Honor's final battle all in his on his own this week. um Before we we we talk about AEW's World's End, of course, their big end of year um finale. Before they kick off kind of their their new season, we were fortunate enough to go to World's End last year to see the the unveiling of the devil. I can't believe that's only been a year ago. It feels way longer than 2023. But um before we hop into our our premium Toyota event picks um a little bit about premium Toyota event. If this is your first one that you've ever watched. So um we're not talking about the best matches. We're not talking about the winners,

Toyetic Qualities of Wrestlers

the losers. We are talking about who we feel ah was the most Toyota from these events who would make an amazing release from ah our friends over at Jazzwares in this case, since we're talking about AEW and Ring of Honor.
and ah and why we think that they should get the ah the action figure treatment. But a little bit of adventures in collecting housekeeping before we hop into our picks here for Final Battle and and and

December 2024 Collectibles Giveaway

World's End. ah Our December 2024 giveaway is coming to an end. As of the airing of this very edition of Premium Toyetic Event, you still have a chance to enter to win.
over on our Instagram page. So that's at AIC underscore podcast. Make sure you visit there, check out the pinned post. ah the The December giveaway is always a big one. um This time you're looking at 500 plus dollars worth of collectibles from ah from across a variety of of brands and licenses and and and companies and toy lines but it's it's what we like to call an instant holiday in a box so whether you're considering it being the end of year last big thing that you enter or a really cool way to kick start your 2025 there's a lot to pick from in this box ah whether you're keeping it all for yourself whether you're sharing the wealth with your friends maybe some
Some kids that you want to get into different toy lines, there is there is a ton there's a ton to choose from. um in ah in that box so again that's at AIC underscore podcast make sure ah you head over to our Instagram page make sure you check out that pinned post and and take a look at what you need to do ah to enter and then of course stick around because in January we will kick off the year with a giveaway we try to do one a month ah so keep an eye out for that one it drops somewhere around January 1st so January 1st 2nd

Preview: Best Toy Releases of 2024

somewhere around there. But it's going to be cool. It's going to be another multi-pack. So there'll be three figures in the twenty the first giveaway for 2025. So definitely stay tuned for that. And a hint, get those hot dogs ready.
um Yeah, so other than that housekeeping wise the the next full-length episode of adventures and collecting will be our 2025 or 20 best of 2024 episode so we'll be counting down Dave and I our 10 each 10 favorite releases of the year of 2024 capping it all together um and then we'll have kind of our our um Uh, our additional sub best of lists, uh, that will kind of trickle out, uh, in the, within January of 2025. So, you know, I'll be counting down my 10 favorite Marvel legends. We will do our 10 favorite wrestling figures. Um, maybe Star Wars vintage collection, but yeah, we'll have, we'll have some, some, um, supplementary lists, uh, as well for, for 2025, um, to kick off 2025.
So that'll be our first full-length episode and that'll be coming a week from today. So look for that in your feeds in the following week. And this will be the first year that we're doing the best of list in video form. So as we're recording, we will have examples of the things that we loved with us. I might have to sit in this seat instead of my normal one because this guy. Maybe I'll just bring the... You know, just bring the Phantom along. All right, with all of that said, all of the housekeeping stuff out of the way. Again, make sure you're hitting that subscribe button down there, following us on YouTube, following us on social media, again, at AIC underscore podcast.

Matt Cardona's Toyetic Potential

Dave, take it away with your picks for Ring of Honor's final battle.
And I am going to start things off going back to last weekend, to ROH Final Battle took place in New York City at the world famous Hammerstein Ballroom. And hey, what a better place to start than in the first half of the double main event.
um That's right. The ROH World Championship was on the line as Chris Jericho the nueve took on Matt Cardona and I mean Is it obvious enough who my pick is let's get the thousand dollar broski the indie god the deathmatch king of Always ready, the complete Matt Cardona into the Jazzwares vault. Matt was did not come out on top, he did not win the ROH title, but he was rocking Ghostbusters gear, um matched his his merch shirt that recently came out. um
He had the vest, he had the Ghostbusters tights, there was green slime, there was the, you know, the tan Ghostbusters kind of jumpsuit design there. um let's Let's get the complete Matt Cardona into the Jazzwares vault as part of the Ring of Honor line.
Okay, so for my second selection, selection number two, I'm going to the second half of the double main event. Of course, I am talking about the forever champion, the fallen goddess, the ROH Women's World Champion, Athena.

Athena's Action Figure Worthiness

And Athena always has some cool colorway in her gear,
or some sort of really rad costume element, face paint, body paint. She had the the kind of demon gear back it at Super Card of Honor, back in Philly, and um Final Battle was no exception. um She came in as one of the ultimate members of Batman's rogues gallery, um Two-Face.
now you could still kind of make this happen as a figure you know it was just ah a suit jacket black and white suit jacket um the blue face paint on one half of her face the contact lenses this can still happen um and it doesn't have to be you know obviously two-faced it could be kind of a nod to it um but i think that athena with her two-face gear um and retaining the ROH Women's Championship. ah Get the belt into the line as well. Let's get Athena into the Jazzwares vault.
Okay, so then it comes ah back to me here ah to kick us off for AEW's um World's End. So, awesome show, lots of fun returns and surprises. ah But before I give my pick, since we are going to split this one up, Dave's going to talk a little bit about ah his pick.
his first pick for um for World's End and then we'll we'll come back to me and you'll hear a little bit more from me ah about World's End. But Dave, ah what's your first pick for AEW World's End? My first choice is going to be um the big winner of the evening, the big tournament winner, um defending the Continental Championship. Yes, it was plain black gear, but he always has an awesome ring jacket, and there was no exception or a ring robe, and there there was no exception on this this night. um But it's also a way to get another championship belt into the line. And of course, I am talking about the Rainmaker, Kazuchiko Okada. Yes, it was plain black gear, um but you know the black and silver coat, or black and white coat,
um Ring jacket entrance entrance gear and of course that continental championship um And it represents his first um victory as the defending tournament or defending continental champion, but his first um continental classic tournament victory um won five matches in the continental classic and Went on to defend the title um so you know Will Okada take it in into next year? Who knows? But we do know that Okada always looks awesome

AEW World's End Event Highlights

doing it. So my ah my first selection, selection number one, is going to be Kazuchiko Okada. Okay, on to me. So I'm doing this all in kind of one pick. Since I'm going to have multiple people ah in in my pick, I'm not going to do the standard two. ah this isn't This isn't a double feature. I'm actually going for a triple feature.
so ah One of my favorite tag teams, his FTR, and I'm not bearing the lead here, but they they showed up with ah with Adam Copeland, his his big return after his ah his kind of gru gruesome injury, ah jumping off the steel top of a steel cage. ah We have Rated FTR, so ah awesome. Seeing the three of them together, they make an awesome trio. this whole you know a storyline that's running through AEW right now with ah you know kind of reclaiming AEW in the form of Death Riders. You know you have the the villainous heel, Jon Moxley and the rest of the Death Riders. Rated FTR coming in, showing up on the the side the AEW side, on the on the the babyface side, um back with Adam Copeland. ah The memes are already aplenty of Adam Copeland's seeming Seeming hatred for the members of the shield. um Giving everybody that kind of camel clutch with the thing through the mouth. um Yeah, so he's he's done it to to all the members of the shield now because he did it to Mox. Now he hit for the cycle. So ah my my one pick for World's End is a rated FTR 3-pack.
um We've had the the folks from Jazzwares, of course, on the pod, a friend of the pod, Chris Metzger, designer of packaging over at Jazzwares, just think about it. The amazing ringside exclusive that it could be, um the three of them in one box, we've already seen how how great ah the know the the team can treat ah these these ah specifically. specifically ah Adam Copeland um I still think that we haven't nailed the FTR in in terms of of Jazzwares figures, but this is this is the opportunity Let's let's get it done this time. um So let's get let's get Dax ah Let's let's get cope. Let's let's get rated FTR in a box together Awesome design. I love what they did with the logo with the the rated FTR logo. So um Yeah, let's let's get them
uh together in a three-pack ringside exclusive let's let's do it up let's do it up nice um some soft goods they had some you know a great great scrum at the end so yeah uh yeah let's that's my pick for AEW world's end is rated ftr now AEW world's end was a night where a lot happened um a lot of You know, a lot of winners, a lot of people did not come out on top in their matches. um I'm going to pick for my second one somebody who um did not come out on top in his title match but still looked awesome and
I think is deserving of of a second go around for a figure.

Honorable Mentions: Future Action Figures

um Somebody who I enjoy very much. I enjoy watching. I'm happy to see he's back in the ring and healthy once again and pursuing the international title.
And that is Powerhouse Hobbs. He had that awesome crushed velvet maroon color gear. um It just pops. It looks awesome. And I'm a big Powerhouse Hobbs fan. So um seeing seeing Powerhouse get another figure. um Let's get him like more jacked in that second figure too.
um Let's get Powerhouse Hobbs another figure. I think that would be awesome. So my ah second selection is Powerhouse Hobbs. And if I can give an honorary mention for for the show, um in Zero Hour, that young upstart, Toni Storm, um the rookie on at her first pay-per-view, just that that hair metal, black and red gear, I think she's gonna go places.
um I really do. So, let's get the rookie a figure. Tony Storm is an honorable honorable mention. All right folks, there you have it. There is your ah double feature premium Toyota event. We will be back again doing our premium Toyota event for the Royal Rumble, ah which always happens

Wrap-Up and Future Coverage Teaser

around my birthday. So I consider it w WWE's personal birthday gift to me, um but we'll be back with the next edition of premium Toyota event when the Royal Rumble happens.
um I have an idea of something I want to do for the Royal Rumble. Well, we're discussing it behind the scenes, but um stay tuned for that. But yeah, the the Premium Toyotic Event, that's a wrap. So ah let us know what you think. Who do you think from ah from Ring of Honor's final battle and from AEW's World's End, who do you think ah should be made into an action figure?
Let us know in the comments below if you're watching here on YouTube. And if you're listening out there in podcast land, ah thank you. Make sure you hit that subscribe button. Make sure you rate and review us all the good things. But i come visit us on social media at AIC underscore podcast. Let us know on X on on Instagram when we post about this episode. ah Let us know who do you think is the ah the most toyetic from these two events? We'd love to hear from you. And and as always, on behalf of me and ah and Dave, until next time, this has been your Adventures in Collecting Premium Toyotic Event. Thank you, dear listener, for hanging out with us today. Subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you listen, and then tell your friends to do it. Thanks also to Joe Azari, the golden voice behind our intro. Our music is Game Boy Horror by the Zombie Dandies. Find more about them both on our show notes.
Follow us on social media at AIC underscore podcast on Instagram and Twitter. Stop by and say hi. Show us your toy hauls and share your toy stories. Maybe we'll talk about it in a future episode.
don't try this at home void where prohibited and some assembly required each sold separately not a flying toy consult a physician if your toy run exceeds more than four hours
This has been a non-productive media presentation. Executive producer Frank Kablaui. This program and many others like it on the non-productive network is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license. Please share it, but ask before trying to change it or sell it. For more information, visit