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The Boy Who Loves Blue: Percy Jackson TV Series Vs Movies image

The Boy Who Loves Blue: Percy Jackson TV Series Vs Movies

S1 E2 ยท The Lit Last Minute Podcast
71 Plays11 months ago

David and Alisha discuss all things Percy Jackson. After watching the new Disney+ series, the best friends figure out which was better: the series or the movies.


Podcast Introduction and Recap

Oh, snap. Did we make it to episode two? What? Oh, snap. Oh, did you stumble your way onto episode two of the best name podcast you ever listened to? Oh, oh, my bad. Wow. Well, now that you're here, hi. Welcome to the last minute podcast. But just in case you just stumbled over here and didn't listen to episode one, can we explain what episode one was real quick for them? Well, who are you? Oh, my God.
They don't need to know about me. Just kidding. We should be. I'm a radio personality who just loves to shit talk shows. I'm David Robinson. I'm your mom's favorite comedian, filmmaker, content creator, mashup. And I love to talk about all the things I hate about shows. So let's keep doing that.
But yes, we are your two besties in the last minute podcast. Last episode, we just did a little quick intro, and we also talked about, woo, we talked about a lot of things. We talked about our top 14 romance movies, because it was Valentine's Day. And from the consensus, I think my list was the best one. Thank you.
Well, okay, it's kind of like, it's kind of cheating because like your list was like all black people. So like if I was to win, it would not look good for our audience, especially with us being of the colored kind. So. That is true.
I don't know, but I mean, we had a lot of fun talking about that stuff. We got some interesting feedback on our compiled list.

Movie Discussions and Industry Trends

A lot of people upset that I picked no strings attached over friends with benefits. Yes. And I'm I just tell you, I just don't like Justin Timberlake kissing Mila Kunis. It just grabbed my gears. No issue for you or is it because of the two of them?
I mean, we could do a poll on like how many people willingly wanna see Justin Timberlake give me Lakuta's kiss. Or do you wanna see Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, like they don't even kiss that much in the movie. But like, you know, like I feel like they're more appealing to the eye. It was a softer story. Like I feel like the story was like more emotional. Cause you could see from start that Ashton Kutcher was like not gonna be able to handle this. But what like in friends with benefits, it's like,
they're both playing like the the hardened like oh no i don't even like you i don't even like you but like and no sure it's actually it's really cute
So that's all I got to say on it. We stay in Natalie Portman over here. I was a little offended. I'm not gonna lie. Cause I feel like I'm right. Well, if you want to see why people offended David, you definitely have to listen to episode one. It also should be up on YouTube by now. So go ahead and key key over there and let me know how you're feeling about it.
Before we get into today's topic, which is everything about a blue little boy. He's not blue, but he loves the color blue, Percy Jackson. We got to get into the last minute news. Last minute news. We do need a jingle. Yeah. Yeah. It's the last minute. If someone wants to make a jingle for us, let us know. But today's first last minute news is about Blade. And I don't know whether this makes me excited.
or whether this pisses me off more about blade this movie that we will never see like i am so like it'll be 2026 they'll be like next year man next year yeah okay well yes that is the part of the news blade got could be delayed until 2026 even though it was already delayed multiple times
And then the star, Mr. Ali himself, reportedly is happy about where the script is going for the film. Now, if he's happy, I'm happy. But at the same time, we're just never going to get this movie, and I'm getting sick of it. Because it was supposed to be a part of this current run of Marvel, right?
It was supposed to be a part of a, technically by the first time that it was announced, we should have already seen it by now. Or we should be seeing it this year, but that's not happening at all. But I mean, it does, Marvel has so hit or miss lately. And any type of news of them going back to the drawing board makes me feel good, genuinely. Because we've had bad examples of that with the Flash movie. I was looking forward to that since I was in high school.
And they push that back to the infinity and it ended up being like a big pile of poo. So I don't think that that's what's going to happen with Blade. But I think that the the care that they're putting into it, because I think they're doing like a similar thing with Fantastic Four, like they went back to the drawing board with that. And it's like, I think.
It's a trend that is on purpose. Marvel is definitely like, okay, we're gonna think about what we're gonna do and we're not just gonna throw out any. Yeah, and you can see that even with them decreasing the amount of movies that they're putting out, I think they're buying themselves a lot of time with this. Yeah, and because Marvel definitely needs time to get their shit together in my personal and humble opinion.
Did you see the Deadpool Wolverine trailer? I can't believe we forgot to even talk about that. Yes, I did. How do you feel? You know, it's Deadpool. I'm not really having the highest of hopes, but, you know, so far each movie has kind of lived up to the weirdness of Deadpool.
I just don't know how I feel about Mr. Ryan Reynolds as of current. That's just me being personal. Am I excited to see Hugh come back as Wolverine, even though he said he wasn't? Sure. Yeah. And it does look like a pretty daggone good Deadpool movie. But again, in my opinion, I don't think any of the Deadpool movies have been bad. Like, I think that they're justifiably good, which is really unfortunate that the ones that you think that it's supposed to be a joke
is actually the good movie out of most of their projects that they've put out. But what do you think about it? I mean, I think that like Hugh Jackman said he wasn't going to be Wolverine no more. And then I think he saw the script and was like,
All right, let me be back in the suit. I think it's going to be fun. I think it's going to be super cool. I'm really just in disbelief at the fact that Ryan Reynolds looked at the camera and said pegging in a Disney movie production commercial. That is what really blew my mind. And I'm like, oh, OK, this is really happening now. Because letting Deadpool in invites a whole
new side of explicit and vulgarity to like the mcu and to disney and everything that they stand for and so i just i hope that they're on board and ready for that and they're not just like okay let's do a cute little Deadpool movie and then he does Deadpool and then they're like
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we didn't know he was going to say penis like like all those things like I don't know. So I mean, I'm excited to see what they're going to do. It's cool that it's an actual team up movie because we haven't had one of those since like I don't I can't even really think of like an explicit like team up superhero movie. Well, because technically Captain America
in the winter soldier was like but that wasn't a team up movie because his name wasn't on the billing like the last one right and then if you and if you like say Batman versus Superman that was like less team up more like a versus movie yeah right
Because DC had in their thing for a long time to do like Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, I think, or Booster Gold. Yeah, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle as like a movie. And that's like so, yes, I guess Deadpool Wolverine would be the first like actual just like straight up team up.
two title characters on one thing. So that's going to be really interesting, because I used to love that stuff in the animated shows, like when Daredevil would show up on the Spider-Man show or something like that. Next up, we kind of already hinted at it, but do you want to talk about Superman's situation? Basically, Superman Legacy is coming out. They cast it their Superman. They cast it their Supergirl. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Rachel Brosnan is going to be Lois Lane. I'm really excited about that.
Now, what doesn't excite you? What doesn't excite me is that they were like, OK, we got Superman legacy coming out. You know, let's just like go over there and like set a fire to Superman and Lois and like burn up the best show that we got right now. Like I was only I'm only like a season into Superman and Lois for real. But like it's the most fun and most like calming time I've had watching like Superman on screen. And what is this along?
So it's God, I mean, I don't know what it's on now, but it was on HBO Max. And so it's probably like on Prime and like some other might be on Netflix.

Superhero Movies: Current State and Critiques

I'm not sure. But it, you know, it was a part of that fallout. And so.
Yeah, like, and it's technically a part of the Arrowverse, you know, this is like Supergirl Superman. And so we love it for that. And Tyler Hechlin is just such a sweetheart. But it's also it's like, you know, Smallville was a show about Clark Kent, you know, coming of age into Superman. And this show is very much like the man part of Superman, like he has kids, he has a wife, he has a little, a little house, you know,
Like, and it's like, oh, okay, he's trying to, you know, be Superman. It's this one scene where he like, he goes to the bar, like somebody hurt his kid and threatened his wife. And like, you know, he's Superman. If this was the boys, he would just kill him. But like he's Superman. And so he just goes up and tells him to like, you know, keep my wife's name out your mouth, stay away from my family. And bro tries to boss up on him and he doesn't even have to move because he's Superman. He's hurting himself. So like,
I don't know. I love those types of things. This is the side of Superman we never get to see and they're just going to kill it. I mean, it had a good run, but they're just going to kill it for a superman movie. We don't know if it's going to hit or not. Yeah. Well, now I need to watch this show because I thought that it was going to be trash and that's why I never looked at it past the cover of it. But maybe I should look at it. I love Superman and Lois. It's so different than...
Yeah, maybe. It's so different than like a lot of the other Arrowverse shows. I'm interested. Something I'm not interested in is Madeline.
When I tell you they could have kept that right in their pocket. I just feel like this is going to determine, this is going to show how much we don't want to see, Madam Web. It's from this tweet that you sent me of Culture Craig saying that Dakota Johnson tried to name Tom Holland's three Spider-Man movies and her answers were as follows. Spider-Man, here he comes.
I mean, she's not wrong. The next one was Spider-Man and he's back. And he's back. Also not wrong. Which is like not wrong right after end game. Not wrong and he's back. Yeah. And then the last one just tickles my fancy. It's just the goblet of Spider-Man. Yes, she decided that Spider-Man is now a part of the HP franchise. A week. Spider-Man and the Goblet of Spiders.
He is now at Hogwarts. Him and Harry, they key, key. Him and Ron don't. Peter and Ron don't get along because, you know, Ron hates spiders. Hermione is just always talking up a storm to Peter because she's just flabbergasted in how this shit fucking works. So she's just trying to ask him all types of fucking questions. But, you know,
A lot of people have not been a fan of the Tejada Johnson in this movie. And I'm seeing what is being said. A lot of people are saying that she's very bland. But how do you feel about what's happening right now with Madam Webb and everything? All right. I'll tell you three things. So one, I saw a scene on Twitter of the movie.
um where like someone definitely just bootlegged it right um i saw the ending um basically of the major conflict and i'm not gonna lie it's like i don't even know how to describe the disappointment that i felt when i was watching this blurry as twitter video like where were my expectations to where it let me down still because it was like it was like okay there's mediocre mediocre mediocre
And then the camera zoomed in on her face for no reason. I was like, oh God. Not only you're giving me a bad movie, but you're scaring me now? So it's that. It's definitely they could have kept that movie. I don't think anyone's ever asked, oh, how did Madam Webb get her powers? No one ever. And there's a couple of comic runs of Madam Webb that they're basing the story on, but it's just like,
be to tell me that like none of the stories that you pull from could make this story interesting and then that brings into another problem with like all of these like so many movies because there was like a compilation video um i saw on tick tock of like the main problem with like all these
like bad Sony like superhero movies is nobody's reading the comics. It's DC too. Like it was a compilation of like interviews where they said, oh, well, I never read the comics. Oh, well, we didn't pay attention to the comics. Oh, the comics does the comic set. And it's like, bro, they're discounting it because it's comics. But that's the source material. If you're going to make a movie about Jesus or whatever, you would read the Bible. No, like
And so it's like, I don't know, it really did show a lot of the cracks of why these movies always end up like this. Like I saw the trailer to Craven, I feel like that's gonna be the exact same thing. Everybody's gonna be like, oh my God, let's make them, right, no, but like it's the next thing in this like universe. So it's, they're definitely, it's gonna get memed to death.
Oh, I also found out that the line in the trailer that people be memeing all the time that, you know, my mother was researching spider. He was with my mother researching spiders in the Amazon before she died. Like, first off, why was she giving Miranda Cosgrove? I don't know why. There is no disrespecting Miranda Cosgrove on this here podcast, OK? I'm sorry. But then I found out that the line is not even in the movie.
I'm sorry, what? It's not even in the movie. So that means A, they stitch that together from a bunch of different lines in the movie to make a really bland line reading for no reason. Or they took it out of the movie when they realized, oh, we're kind of getting cooked for this. Because they tried to be with the trends. They really do. Because when they brought Morbius back to theaters, they thought they ate. It's Morban time on the billboards. No.
It's like the kid in school that is trying to get ahead of the bullying, but he's really just adding ammunition. I think that a consensus is that Marvel just needs to stop for maybe like two years and just rethink the entirety of
what it is to be a superhero movie. This is the Sonyverse. No, but still like Marvel, Sony, all of them. Like I'm including DC in this shit too. I feel like everyone should just stop for two years and figure out what it is to be a superhero movie and come back because we've seen it all. We've literally seen it all. And at this point, nothing they're doing is.
original. Nothing they're doing is setting a trend or creating a new world or something. You have so much potential to do so much with these universes and you're doing such mediocre job at it.
Yeah, the bare minimum, like the bottom of the barrel. It really feels like they like had an idea barrel and then they threw everything out and then like half of one was stuck to the bottom of the bowl. They're like, OK, what does that say? Madam Webb. OK, let's do it. Like nothing else to throw now. And last thing in the news is Fantastic Four. I.
I mean, the only thing to talk about really is like, do you think they won with that one? What do you think I'm going to say, friend?
I think I think you think half of them are hot and half of them are miscast. You literally hit the nail on the head because it's just like I don't know. Fantastic Four has the potential of being so good and they keep fucking it up every time. Like everything. What do you think was the misstep on this one? I think the misstep was just having it in general. Let's just start there. You think like we don't need no Fantastic Four movie because at this point like you can't get it right. Like three times if you count the old old movie.
I don't want this anymore. You tried, it didn't work. That is like very similar to how I feel where I'm like, I like the Fantastic Four. They were never my favorite superheroes or team or whatever. I like the other movies with Chris Evans in them. Like those are movies we grew up on, like along with the Toby Spider-Man's. And so it's like.
Yeah, Jessica Alba, like, I don't know. So, like, I think the casting is like fine. I think anyone making too much of like, oh, well, you can't have Reed Richards be brown. Like, you know, anyone being like that is just being extra because it really doesn't matter what Reed Richards looks like. So, like, we've already had three different versions of him. We got John Krasinski. I don't care anymore.
Right. So like we can really do anything with it. I'm glad that they put Pedro in that position because he can really act. And so it's like better to have like a really good solid actor on that than, you know, not. So I don't know. I'm not excited about Fantastic Four. I'm not going to lie, but like I think it'll go OK. If I see a trailer and I'm like, oh, that's lit, then like, yeah, but
I really don't got anything else to say about it, except I want Lakeith Stanfield to be the Silver Surfer. You know, they will never do it, but I can see it. I don't know how his portrayal of Silver Surfer will go, but I can see why you want it. I think he would kill it. I think you would kill it, but we can move on.

Percy Jackson Series: Analysis and Expectations

But yes, today's episode is all about, by tried and true, my homie who never even knew I existed, Mr. Percy Jackson himself. And for all of the people living under a rock, Percy Jackson is, he sets the pace. It is essentially Greek mythology turned into 21st century, essentially is just the best way that I can say it. Gods had kids, some gods weren't supposed to. We have Percy.
That's essentially the best way that I can say it without spoiling anything further. Every episode is out right now on Disney Plus. They're 40 minutes, literally. Every single one of them is 40 minutes. So you have 40 minutes of your time to watch the episode. It's only eight. IMDB gave it a 7.2 out of 10. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 92. I think Rotten Tomatoes is blazing really hard, but that's okay. That's crazy. So this is gonna be a very polarizing episode I'm seeing.
Get your pitchforks, folks. Before we get into the episode breakdown, what was your thoughts about the show before you watched any episode? I was a part of the demographic to watch the Percy Jackson movie when it came out. Yes. That was my introduction.
Right with Logan Lerman. That was my introduction introduction to Percy. And so like I was you know, like I saw the movie I was like, this is lit. I was hooked. I was obsessed with Greek mythology after that. And I tried to read the books.
I am not a, you know, I'm not a reader, reader boy. So like, you know, I was not, you know, I got deep in it, but not too, too deep. But recently I have picked up the graphic novel, as you can see. I am the only resident book holder on the podcast today. Because all of my special editions are back home. Thank you.
Oh, you don't have your license. So any of the book related questions you have, I will answer them. Whether they be true or fabricated is up to you to decide. But yeah, but when the show got announced, I was like, OK, Lit, like Disney is trying to do their own like little Harry Potter and they're definitely gonna have a Percy Jackson world in like the next five, 10 years. I already know. But yeah, I was like, this is exciting. I never really got the
the beef with the show and with the movie at first. But now being more educated into the lore of Percy Jackson, I understand where people were upset. But my thing was like, okay, the movie was cool. I wish they kept it going. I wish it was done a little bit better.
um because i have my own gripes with the movie but like i was excited but at the end of the day i was like it's another hollywood adaptation of a book um of or you know some other type of source material and we know we can never really trust those
But then they struck gold and they released One Piece. So then I had hope again. The One Piece live action gave me so much hope for this that I was like, oh, OK, I really don't care what people are saying, even though I'm not like really a part of the hardcore fandom. I'm going to be excited for this. And then, you know, I went into the first episode so lit, so high, so so happy for it. And then I felt how I felt. So that is kind of how I
got into this with a lot of optimism, not a lot of knowledge, and then disappointment. Anyways. Wow. I feel like we are the exact opposite. Percy Jackson is literally life. Like, Percy Jackson was probably the first book series besides Harry Potter that made me, like, into a stan of a book series.
little story to tell you exactly how much of a Percy Jackson fan I am. I used to write fan fiction that is currently still up of Percy Jackson.
Do we have some of your fan fiction to read? We are not doing that. Maybe next episode I'll give you a taste, but absolutely not. But it was that deep. And also me and my friend who I will not name, because I promise you if she gets names, she will be like, why did you mention that? Me and her were so into pressing Jackson that we just thought it would be so smart.
to run away to Camp Half Blood. And we created a full runaway thing. We figured out how the notes were going to sound to our parents for running away. We had the entire thing. We had packed. We were really going to go. And then we never did. This was a scheme. Yeah. Because we wanted to go to Camp Half Blood really badly. I just knew in my heart that I was Zeus' child. We truly believed that we were demigods and that no one can see this shit that we were seeing. Yep.
Wow, you were so cool. And at recess, you like to battle Tamara's and stuff. I have a love for Percy Jackson that is truly iconic. And when I heard that this show was happening, it was very, very, very not OK with it. Because while I do love Logan as an actor as of current in his current works,
And I think that he was a good Percy for the time. I really despise that movie. I will never, ever watch that movie. I will never reference that movie after this point. I don't believe those movies exist in my humble opinion. So when I heard that Disney was going to try to do this, I said, oh, this is going to be a shit show. But then I heard that Rick Riordan. Riordan. Wait, say it's like. Riordan. Yeah, you said Riordan.
Yeah, right. Oregon. That's how Walker says it. Let me show my fat ass. But, um, yeah. And when I saw that the author was going to be a part of it, I was like, Hey, maybe this will finally be like a little bit better. But knowing how book to film adaptations go, I knew to be realistic. A lot of the things in the Percy Jackson books are just not feasible in our current, um,
movie era or movie technology. A lot of them just don't make sense. It's a it's a middle grade book that is set for middle grade audience. It's not supposed to make sense. It's supposed to spark imagination. So I went in knowing that there was going to be things changed and that a lot of things that didn't make sense in the book are going to be taken out or they're going to be added and fixed, which I'll get to those certain episodes. But
I was very excited to see that it lived up to at least my expectation, but I think a lot of people had very high expectations for it, which is why I'm pleased with how it was. So I do agree with the 92%. But let's get into our episode breakdown because episode one,
is I accidentally vaporized my pre-agible teacher. First things first, I love that they use the titles of the chapters as the title. That was pretty swaggy. I did really like that, except for when it didn't actually correlate with things they put in the episode. Yes.
And we'll discuss because I know exactly which episode or episodes you're talking about. But in the first episode, we're obviously getting to know Percy and his history. And you get to see the iconic first scene of the the Fury coming to take Percy. If you haven't seen the show, there's going to be a spoiler, very, very spoiler episode. So just
Oh yeah, yeah. Spoiler warning. Spoiler warning, like ahead of time. Like we're here to talk about the show. Like we're here to, you know, we're getting into it. Essentially how they explain it is that Percy, a teenager who feels out of place in the world, is accused of assaulting a classmate during a trip to The Met. He is expelled from school and is forced to return home. Now, The Met is
Very iconic, I don't know. Well, now we kind of know that they use, that they weren't really at the Met, I don't think. Right. But it's just like, that's very iconic. Not for like, not for actually any of the scenes, like, no. Yeah. Very iconic place to be. Now, you do get to meet Percy, who Walker Scobell, we've already told, said that we love him. Are you in, my little Grover?
I let I know nigga and I'll explain why it will forever and always be Aryan over here. I'm a fan. And then our girl, Leah, comes in much, much later, but I wanted to give her her her praises as well because a lot of people were very upset about Annabeth being black when this show first got announced and very pressed.
Leah Slade as Annabelle, so shut the fuck up, you fucking haters. But one of the fun facts that I have for this episode is actually, I don't know if you caught this, but Rick is seen standing next to Mr. Burner as, who is the Dean,
at the Met. You get to see him at the meeting of them two right in the back. I definitely, I did catch this one. I saw him talking about it in an interview. It was the most humble cameo he could have given himself. I don't know. That kind of speaks a lot to me as
You know, he was, he's the dude, he could have been anybody. And he said, let me be this guy in the corner that actually says nothing. Because I love, one of the things I love from in-game is that one of the Russo brothers is in that support group where Captain America is talking. I'm like, now that's how I put myself in a movie. Like you give me a sad gay storyline? Yes. Everybody's going to be like, oh my God, who was that actor? Actually, you made the movie.
like it like so he rick being so humble with that is so cute but i will say that a lot of people in episode one because in the iconic scene where the fury um tries to kill percy um that was supposed to happen in the museum i wasn't sure if that was like a movie thing or not
A lot of people were saying that they didn't like it, but I was like, it kind of was more realistic. But the thing that I really wish happened in this scene and in multiple other scenes throughout the episodes is I wish that people, we got people's reaction to him literally losing his shit outside of the iconic Met.
literally okay so like that was so confusing to me in a sense because one of the plus sides of it being outside i was like oh this is highlighting his delusion like right like am i going crazy and then it also is giving stock to the mist of like you know like the behind the scenes because that's a little key world building like why didn't anyone see this giant flying thing um
But then it's like the mist is supposed to change it into something else that is crazy. And it's like, OK, them just pretending like that didn't happen just made me feel like I was crazy. Exactly. And I think the one thing that I was really excited to see was what do humans see is attacking Percy?
if we're seeing that it's a fury. Like I wanna know what they can see because I think it's like, okay, it's absurd. So it's probably like a chocolate bar with wings or some shit. Like, but that's also really fucking dumb. It has to be something that humans see on a regular basis, but think, okay, that's weird as fuck. Like maybe a bird was attacking him or something. I don't know.
Right. And that's a trend that they keep throughout the show where they act like the mist is a thing, but then they don't actually show it except for like one gag in episode three, I think episode three or four. And it's like, bro, I like I don't know. It goes along with my my gripe that we'll get into later about book accurate things being there. But then them being like, oh, psych, we're not going to talk about that.
L-O-L. Also, I think this may also be in episode two more so, so I'm going to use this as a merging point, segue, I think. Is that Dionysus, we also get to meet the head of the camp besides Chiron, but Dionysus is supposed to be
a wino, essentially. That man is supposed to be drunk off life. We are never supposed to see him cognitive. And now I get, this is Disney Plus, we have to, you know, Kiki for the little kids or whatever. But that man was more sober than, like, he was pretty sober. I think something that, like, I would have thought about, like, making his character come to life, like,
is like what he can teach like from the book sense of like okay what does the story of Dionysus teach and then also it's like okay how is he not learning from his own life and how are how can we learn from his life because if he was truly like as drunk and as bumbling as like he should be then it'd be like oh my god this guy has a problem then you're like oh wait that's not a guy that's a god what
Exactly. And then that makes him scarier because you're like, oh my God, now there's a drunk God that is like making fun of me and I'm supposed to get camp directions from him. Exactly.
it was like a certain intensity that the show lacked that really like shined with his character because he really made like some B plus jokes at best and then just wasn't. Yeah, I feel like that would have been a good starting point to realize that gods are just fucked up as us. Like that would have been a good starting point to what they tried to later on in the show.
But let's move on to episode two, I become Supreme Lord of the bathroom. Now, this episode, I forgot to mention about we went through all episode one without talking about the Queen Miss Sally Jackson. And I think that that is the best thing that the show is added in my well, I think that the Sally scenes now I know that a lot of them are not book accurate, but like, I think that like adding a layer
of where Percy is coming from by informing his mother's character so deeply. I don't know, it helped me be like, it's literally the thing of when you know somebody's mom and you're with them somewhere, you know a kid and you know their mom, maybe they're your friend or something, and you're watching them, or maybe you're not in charge of them, but you're in the same space as them, and you're watching them. It's like, bruh, I know your mama, so you better act accordingly.
And I feel like the show did that for

Key Episodes and Adaptation Critiques

me. I was like, oh my gosh, I understand who Sally is. I understand how she raised this child, this rude, sarcastic ass child. And then the scene where she confesses and says what's going on was very compelling. I thought it had a lot of comedy, but it was also the emotion on her face was very much like, I don't know, she gave more than
Most TV moms that die at the beginning give, you know, she was definitely like taking that character to the next level, like similar to like Marissa Tomei with Aimee. Like her Aimee was definitely a little bit more transcendent than past Aimese that are just like, oh, I'm here. I'll go off on your journey. Oh, no, I'm dead. Like, yeah.
No, I agree. I just feel like, like you said, like I don't, I don't talk about Percy's mom in these, in this show just because she wasn't as prevalent in the books until later. So it's like, I just kind of skip over her, but like, I mean, she was good. I think it just helped give her a reason to save her. Cause I was just like, you know, it helps that we know like how much they love each other, but that's your mom. So why would you not want to save her regardless? True.
especially when you have a stepdad like he did. All right, so episode two is I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom. Now this episode- Not gonna lie, that's a fire title. This episode covers chapters five through eight and like maybe like a third of chapter nine in the Lightning Thief book, just so that book readers know where we are at. But
At this point, Percy knows about Camp Half-Blood after they have that dramatic ass drive to the camp. And he fights old Mr. Minotaur Man. And he finds Camp Half-Blood and realizes that he has some fans because, you know, he beat up Minotaur's ass, so everyone's like on his dick.
But then we get to meet the baddest bitch in the game, Clarice, daughter of Aries. And one thing about Ms. Clarice, she don't give a fuck about Percy's bitch ass. Said, you thought you were the chosen one, bitch. Get the fuck out of here. He's like, bro, do you know how long I've been here?
Like, you know how long it took my dad to climb me? Like, like, come on. Also, isn't this the one where Luke starts going around explaining to him of what plant pathways as his tour guide? And for people who already know the episodes, I'm not going to say anything yet. But that was the moment where I started twiddling my toes, because as a book reader, I knew I just knew the trajectory of how this was going to go.
But Percy essentially is the one thing that I liked about how they did a lot more in the TV adaptation is that
Percy just does not understand what the fuck is happening. And he does not give a fuck about these gods. He does not give a rat's ass. And he's just like, why do y'all do that? He questions everything. And as a regular human who's never been privy to the world of Greek mythology or gods and you just think it's a story, I'm glad that they harp on that a little bit in the show.
Because in the movie, he kind of just like questions it for like maybe one second and is like, okay, let's go find the lightning thief leg. I mean, but also I think the movie did some of the work of like showing him like, like, I feel like if I'm personally from the movie, like I'm looking around, I'm seeing these absolutely insane things. I'm like,
this has to be the only explanation like what they're telling me has to be true because there's nothing else I can think of that's like giving it but like in the show I think it was like he he was a little bit more pushy-backy on it but I think internally he was like okay this might be true but this is stupid like yeah it was giving more this is stupid versus I'm confused
I feel like he did both, because he was like, okay, I'm confused about why y'all are so geeked about these gods. My dad, I don't know him. He's not claiming me. Well, I mean, they did claim him pretty fast compared to the books. Yeah, compared to literally everybody else. They had eight episodes to work with. You can't make that drag on, which is unfortunate, but I wish that they had held the ante of why Percy despises his dad so much.
But there's also a capture the flag episode which why isn't already captured a flag episode already when there's so much more time in the book but like, yeah, it was great but I think it could have went the route of like where the movie did where it did rush to the capture the flag but then also it was like, they had that little time after.
Yes. That was like way longer, like then I think the TV show gave them like, you know, chill time after the capture. But I mean, I know the book like differs way from like both the movie and the TV show. Yeah. So it was. But it was interesting just to see a like.
I don't know, like a quick turn into it. Like we didn't spend too much time explaining Percy things, which is weird because of what the like next six episode is is just for explaining Percy things. So exactly. So capture the flag. Fun fact, we need to jingle. I need a fun button. But fun fact, while filming the fight between Percy and Aries, the campers that were with
Aries' children during the Capture the Flag. Walker had apparently become so good at sword fighting and preparation for the role that he actually had to hold back while filming in order to make it look like he was very clueless about what he was doing. You need to tell me this man is so him that he was really beating the ass like. Yeah. They saw him in the choreo and then he turned around and was like, oh, okay, poo poo poo poo poo. And they're like, hey,
Yeah, I just feel like everything that I learned about Walker and this show makes me love him even more. Because in Episode Four, I'm going to tell you another fun fact about him that is going to make you have the same exact reaction to that one. The the fight with Clarice and her goons was like,
I thought that was really well done because it was like it was a step by step of like him getting beat up and overwhelmed. But then slowly just kind of locking in. That's really understanding why. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The the toilet thing like that was cool. That's probably like the best. Well, second best use of his powers in the entire show. That was weird.
It was weird, but it was like, OK, I get it. I get how this is supposed to, you know, play out. But yeah, I don't know. I like the I like the way they did the action in that scene. I like the there was like that pause when he caught the spear and he was like, I like literally can't believe I'm moving like this. Like, this is crazy. I'm really him.
And so, yeah, and then Clarice's like screech after he broke her spear. I love that. Was heartbreaking. I was like, like, come on. Wait, what is the actress's name? Let's put some respect on Miss Clarice. Her name is Dior John Goode. I knew it was that. Right. That's her Dior.
I knew it was a bad bitch name. Dior Good John. Like imagine your life going as Dior Good John. Oh yeah, they're going places with that.
Exactly. But I think that she was a beautiful, like, adaptation of Clarice because every scene she was in, I was, I was scared of old girl. I'm not going to lie. She was giving bad bitch warrior ass energy. You would think that that bitch was Athena's kid and she's not. Right. Now in the book, she is a little, you like how I did that? In the book, she's a little, she's a little weak.
Right. Like a little bit heavier set in the graphic novel, the way they draw her and like, but little Clarice, little Clarice, little Dior in the show, she was still giving like, I don't mess with my big body energy. Exactly. And her line delivery was so killer. Like it is such a shame that like this is the last episode she really has a line in.
Yes, because we stopped seeing her after this, which it makes sense because hopefully in the next seasons we'll see her again. But I think Dior did an excellent job as Miss Clarice. What else happened in this episode? I think that this was also the episode where they explained Anna Beth's lineage as well, kind of.
because they bring up Talia, who is not prevalent in this series. I think she's more prevalent once we get to like Heroes of Olympus, but I could be wrong.
But essentially, in this episode, you also find out about the beads that they're wearing in the campers. For all the people who've seen the show already, you already know what it is. But each camper, besides Percy, because he's different, they get necklaces with beads on them. And the beads are voted by the head counselor of that cabin. And they're given out at the end of the summer to mark the end of their first summer, or the end of that summer coming to a close.
And obviously, Percy doesn't have one because he just got there. And that's why Anna Beth has five beads on hers because she's been there for five years. And Percy gets told about the sacrifice. Wait, she's been there five years? Yes. She was seven when they pulled up? Yes.
Oh, that's crazy. And that's what I was going to explain. I think this was probably the best way to explain Anne about this character and I wish that they kind of showed it instead of telling it was because she was young when she went through
figuring out who her real mom was, realizing that her mom didn't really give a shit, because Athena does not really give a shit about her kids. Then she found Luke and Talia just for Talia to get turned into a pine tree. You're experiencing all of that at seven years old.
It makes a lot of sense why Annabeth is like so like stiff and like you have to get through her guards in order to like see who she really is because that girl went through it. And like when I was reading the book it was like the book Annabeth was more charismatic than um the show Annabeth just because like
I mean, again, I'm reading the graphic novels. I'm seeing her expressions and whatnot. But it was definitely giving more like I'm masking my trauma with charisma and comfortability, you know, versus this Annabeth. I feel like she wears it a little bit more on her sleeve that she is a little troubled and that she has issues because.
Yeah, like I don't know. Like I it gave her more realism in this story. But I think that that definitely just took away from like character moments that she could have had throughout the story. Like I feel like she she doesn't get a lot to shine with like. I mean, it's not her fault, but.
Yeah, in the later episodes. But I just think that like they could have given her more to work with with like different attitude type things like like when they're this is skipping ahead. But like when they're, you know, with Krusty and whatnot, like and she her snapping back at him, like that was like, OK, we need more moments like this or like with the police officer or she's like, ah, like she.
Anabeth in the books is more calculated, so she's not just going to snap off just to snap off. So that's why I liked this one. And also it was a better a better play with how goofy Percy and Grover are and how serious she is. Like, I liked that that was more what the TV show did, because to have all them three be goofy or charismatic would just be very annoying. Like,
I get that y'all are taking your time getting this quest together, but we gotta go see Hades, bitch. Like, what the fuck? But yeah, also he gets claimed in this episode because the trident comes over his head. Which I'm told is supposed to be like super duper iconic, and I think it was just okay.
It was just okay. I think it's also supposed to happen right after we see the mess hall and all the sacrifices and stuff. And I don't know if that's how it was in this show, I can't remember.
No, in the show, it was literally right after the fight with Clarisse. Right. So it's just like that was supposed to be like the aha moment where everyone's like, oh shit, not only is he a badass for killing a fucking minotaur, beating Clarisse, but also he's a forbidden child of Poseidon. We've never seen one of these motherfuckers at this camp. And I just feel like that wasn't as grandiose as I wanted it to be.
I mean, I think the problem with that was like the other campers, like the extras did not get filled out at all. Like there's no like there's no like, I don't know, ambiance scenes where we're like hearing them gossip. Like, you know, in Harry Potter, we would get random kids all the time just talking shit about Harry or, you know, crazy.
looking at him crazy or being like, oh, the cake's really good today. Oh, I heard McGonagall's doing this, like, you know, giving character to the student body, like the student body being a character. I don't really feel like the campers are a character. I think one thing the movie did pretty good was like giving characteristics and just, you know, just more
flavor to the different camps and whatnot. And just like the only thing that comes to mind is Grover running to the Aphrodite camp and jumping in the hot tub with him. But like still even that it's like, oh, okay, Aphrodite's got all the hot girls. Like on TikTok, they got Black Camp Half Blood right now. Like who are you getting your braids done by? Like stuff like that, they could have added to just
And that's what I was going to bring up as the last kind of like touching point on this episode was the fact that I don't feel like we got a good representation of the houses and like their differences and their similarities. Like I didn't get to see what Hephaestus' house looks like or what it doesn't look like or what Hermes is. Like the only place that we got to see was Hermes' camp.
Tent but we didn't get to see like them really in Iraq besides Luke with him and that doesn't count Luke Alright, I really wish that we did get more so I agree with you there, which I guess the movie gets one point Hey
But episode three is when shit goes down because they realize that they are on a mission. We're going on a mission, little Einstein's. And this is when they set out to find the stolen lightning bolt and they end up at the Garden Gnome Emporium because Miss Medusa
Ms. Medusa, do you want to talk about your love of Ms. Medusa and Ms. Jessica Parker Kennedy? Because I feel like it would only be right for you to talk about Ms. Jessica Parker Kennedy. Because like, you know, like, look, okay. He's already getting flustered. Me and Ms. Kennedy, we got history, okay, because
I one of my favorite movies of all time is another Cinderella story and that's one of her like earliest deep cut movies. It was really funny. I was watching an interview and Leah Jeffrey said the exact same thing. She was like, I loved her in another Cinderella story. So there's that but then also if you know anything about me, I am an avid and terrible
fan of The Flash. I love The Flash and she came on at maybe one of the worst points in The Flash's history, but we still love her. We still stan her because she was our Nora Allen for that show. And so a lot of people associate her with the worst parts of The Flash, but I genuinely
really love her as an actress and I think that she does so good in all the things that she does except for this one um but um yeah I I think that it was a it was a beauty casting her in this but they didn't give her nothing nothing to work with they gave her a cute little monologue but it was like after that it was like okay
now you're just gonna kill these children? Is that what we're doing now? At least Uma Thurman, her Medusa, it seemed like she had a vendetta. She was angry. She was like, yo daddy done did this to me and yo mama let him. So I got beef with you. But hers was like, I really feel like killing some kids today because y'all's parents messed with me. It's not more sensual than actually vindictive.
Yeah, more like, oh, I'm like, I don't know. It just it didn't she. Right. It wasn't her being the villain. It was her being opportunistic of like, oh, these kids just wandered on to my house. I guess I'm telling my life story and then kill them like. Yeah.
Because I mean, I don't know. There's a lot of like people feel so many different ways about this, but it's a lot of just the script's fault for setting them up like that because having them like talk to her and willingly go into her house and like listen to her whole life story is real different than her like capturing them. I don't know. How do you feel?
Um, this was the episode that I started to be like, Oh, okay. So this is, this is not going to be as fire as I thought it was going to be because of that one change that you mentioned, but also I have two book differences in this episode that I vividly remember. And that's an issue to me. I should not have more than one. Um, but I will say that Medusa's portrayal was not the best because it was like, I didn't feel scared.
of her. And I feel like the idea and story behind Medusa, she just, she just needed to be more vindictive. Like you said, more powerful, more scary. Like, this is a woman that if you look at her for literally 0.5 seconds, you're, you're done. Like, there's nothing else for you. And the fact that they already knew off gate
And she's already, like, what? Like, Percy doesn't know that, like, yes, he knows this shit because his mom told him, but like, how do we already know that she's Medusa? Like, why couldn't we have come in with all the statues being in the back of the house? And they're just thinking that they're about to get help from this fury that's about to kill them. And then we just go through the whole thing where she, like, entrances them to come into the house and, you know, sit down, get some food. And then in the middle of this situation, Annabeth's like,
Wait, you're I wish that was how that played out. Like I think like my pitch is so similar to yours. Like make the transition from running from the bus not so lax. Like it was like, OK, they ran out of the bus parking lot into the woods and the food just stood there.
The Fury just let them just walk leisurely and have like an exposition dump conversation again. Like, no, it would have worked so much better if they literally got chased into her like garden and then they're running and running and then like us, the audience, we're seeing, hey, it's a lot of statues around here.
And then you get like Medusa coming out like, um, can I help you? Exactly. Yeah. Like the slow reveal, the slow burn, the suspense. Everybody's talking about this, about how this show has no suspense. And I agree like 80 percent of the way. But like it's so true here. Like all they needed was a little bit of tension and this could have really ate down.
No, for sure. And I think that that's what the book and, unfortunately, another point to the movie does is that there is tension, there is suspension, there is something that doesn't feel right off-gate. And everything was like happy-go-lucky. There was no darkness for real until after episode four. But the two differences besides that Medusa thing, so I'm glad that you brought it up, was in this episode, Percy chooses Annabeth and Grover to go on this quest.
In the book, that nigga does not get a choice. Like, how do you get to choose who's gonna be on your quest when you've never been on a fucking quest? You just got here. So, in the book, Grover is required to help Percy because of all his fuck-ups that he did earlier. Like, the nigga almost died. Percy almost died multiple times in your care. Right. Get it together. And then also, Annabeth just, like, more or less volunteers for the quest, and Percy's like, okay, fine, because no one else wants to go with me.
Right, but then also it was like heavy on the Chiron was like telling her, yeah, no, like next big quest, all you. Like, and it was like, if that's true, why was it like pick between these 13 different people? Exactly. And then the last book difference that I have that I remember vividly is, and you're gonna love that I bring this up, The Flying Shoes. In the book, Percy gives The Flying Shoes to Grover right after
Luke leaves them before they leave for the camp. Well, before they leave from the camp. In this episode, Percy's holding on to the motherfuckers the entire time with Medusa. You're telling me? And he like, Grover gets it right before the fight. But you're telling me y'all had to choose the whole time, bro, and y'all couldn't fly the fuck out? Right. Like, run. Something.
I just feel like they had so many outs in the Teal of Vision episode that it pissed me off that they didn't use them. Because it was like, okay, then don't have so many outs on screen that I can see, or ways that they can get out of the situation if they're not supposed to, except by the hair of their chin.
Like then and then the resolution with that, like, why make electo seem so trash? Like, yes. Why? Why do that? Because first we're cowering from Medusa. OK, cool. But like stand up. Stand up. You work for Hades. Stand up. And then also like when they froze her at the end and like, you know, quote unquote, killed her. But I guess, you know, she's back.
like Dakota Johnson said, and she's back. And so like, I don't know, it was like, they treated that as if it was something that didn't need to be focused on. And it's like, and it's prioritizing the story and plot beats. But with our, you know, the things that make
the payoffs worth it. Because they're giving us like these exposition dumps and these, you know, emotional confessions. But it's like after y'all had like 10 minutes to sit down and think about how you felt, not running from running from a fury fighting off Medusa, like, there's no intensity happening to like warrant their character growth to be happening so fast.
All right, episode four, I plunged to my death. The episode that every single Percy Jackson fan was worried about. Because this is the episode where the heroes leave Medusa and they end up in St. Louis, St. Louis or whatever you pronounce it as. And they come face to face
with the mother of all monsters, the nastiest creature that we see in the show, which is a little weird in my personal opinion, besides they get to underworld, the underworld. My thought process going into this was how is Rick gonna fix his fuck up? Because in the book,
Percy falls from the St. Louis Arch and just falls into the river. And I have geography right now, you guys. So I can tell you personally, below the St. Louis Arch is grass. Grass.
And the river is at least 10 meters away from the arch. So it's not like you could just fall cock-hided and slip into the... No, no, no. You'll die wherever you fall from that arch. I was always wondering how he was going to do that.
But I think that how they did it in the television show was the best way to fix that fuck up. I mean, it was the it was the television equivalent of like when you get a shoot like when you get a D and you like make it into a B. So your parents think that you did good. Like it was literally that.
because essentially what happens in this show is that as he's falling, the water from the river comes to him and then it blacks out. A common theme in this show, anytime anything interesting happens with water magic, it blacks out.
We don't get to see it pull him into the water. The next thing we see is him already in the water and him getting met with a mermaid, I believe is what she was. I don't know whether she was a siren or a mermaid or a merwoman. I don't know.
Isn't it a narrative or narrative? Maybe maybe it was. Maybe I just did she ever say her name? No, no. OK, so maybe that's why I'm confused. He had the Sally Jackson voice filter on. I'm like, girl, why do you do it? Like, why are you traumatized this young man like this?
The fun fact that I wanted to bring up about the fact that this man was in water, there's two actually. And the interview that he did with Zach Sang, he mentioned how he only did the water scenes for the last two days of the shoot and that
he would be in there for like, I think the longest he was in the water and didn't come up for air was 45 minutes to an hour. And also he learned how to talk without having the bubbles come out of his mouth underwater.
And the way he described that shit was crazy. But one thing about it and two things for sure, we can never disrespect Walker's tenacity to being a good actor because that man went through scuba diving lessons for this. He figured out some way to talk magically without breathing underwater. Like, I don't understand.
I don't know. This kid is a pro. Like, I don't see any other like child actor in a big name franchise right now that's like really doing it like how these kids are doing it right now because they're pretty good. I mean, it's unfortunate that like some of the project is failing their performances, I feel like. But, you know, like you take the stranger thing of kids like
They're like they're in the conversation with Walker like he is he is doing that good. Mm hmm. If Walker and what is Eleven's real name? Ooh, Millie Bobby Brown. Yes. If they were together in something.
like we we need like the I'm him Avengers like okay you got Walker, Tom Holland, Timothy Chalamet, um you could put Millie Bobby Brown in there, you could put uh Haley Steinfeld in there, you know she she's not she's not as old anymore yeah so is Tom but you know like we got a good little lineup of all these like young actors leading franchises
Well, can we talk a little bit about the lead up into him like falling off the arch? Because I think that was I mean, that's the only major plot point. But so, I mean, well, Rick Riordan, I was talking about how on set like Walker was looking sick the entire time and people kept being like, hey.
Are you good? Like, do you need soup? Are you and like, that was cute. That was funny. But the thing that I think I like the most about like the build up was just like the impending doom. But then the impending doom didn't feel that impending because the lady was walking like a campus stroll. What is what my my dad would probably say, like he was going world slow.
she was going so slow they were like oh no oh no oh no which is like okay yeah because y'all are in a enclosed space with her but like at the same time bro i was not pressed i was like we could be like they were trying to rush percy i'm like no let him breathe she's not in them heels she's not getting nowhere near i feel like the little monster wasn't even really like doing what it needed to do either
No, because so. OK, so it started with them on the train, right? And then Anaba stabs the tail of the monster, which is pretty hardcore. I like that. But more of that, they needed more like fighting the monster and more like, OK, this is dangerous and like fighting them together. Like I wanted more trio fight.
And showing that, like, Annabeth is a force to be reckoned with. Exactly. I think she got some of that when, you know, she stabbed Alecto's daughter and she's the first one to stab the chimera. But it's also it's like they do that, then they run. Like, it's not it's not giving battle strategy. It's getting where they were running. Yeah. Yes.
And but I think one thing everybody really loved about this episode was the moment where, you know, he does the little switcheroo with Annabeth when he was acting like, oh, yeah, here, take my sword. Psych.
Yes, and he closed that motherfucking door on him. And I was like, oh, dang, those doors lock automatically. And I was like, don't. Why didn't they try? Like, those type of doors definitely don't lock automatically. Like, unless someone came behind him with some keys, like, there's no way they should have been able to open that door. That was ridiculous. But it was cool.
It was cool. And then him fighting the Camaro was very lackluster, but honestly. Couldn't expect much out of my boy because he was literally dying on the inside. Yes. And that's why he looked like shit. Mm hmm. And it made sense because baby was did he did he did something happen to him and produce his house? And that's why he did look like
Well, no, he got stabbed by the chimera in the train. It made sense of why he looked like he was dying, but he was actually dying. Right, right. And I mean, I like that. I love I love a hero on their last, you know, on their last health point. I'm standing up to a villain. I love that. It was a really good moment. I mean, until he got handled and then thrown off the arc, but
Yeah. And it was Annabeth at the end being like, I know, I know he's fine. I can, I can feel it. I hate that. I hate that. I hate when it's like, you know, they're trying to push a love story. Because if you've read the books, you know, they're trying to push, they're getting to the Percy Annabeth love story, essentially. But it's like, damn, y'all, like, we couldn't have waited to do this weird,
the notebook-ass scene line for her. Yeah and it's like her and if we're trying, because at this point we still don't know Annabeth that well so we should still be trying to build up her character and leading her in this direction to just be main character's love interest is not really giving her her due diligence as a character and especially not with the actress that you have playing her.
um and there's like many opportunities later in the season for her to like you know have some material and they often will either cut away, shorten or oh no something else is happening. Yeah or just tell it instead of showing it. Right give her a long boring emphasis on boring monologue about like her sad backstory.
I feel like I know exactly what episode and scene you're talking about, so when we get to that, I'll just let you do it, friend. But okay, episode five, right? A God buys us cheeseburgers. Okay, my beef with this headline is this actually didn't happen. He didn't buy them no cheeseburgers. Aries was the only one that ate cheeseburgers.
Yes, but that's the kiki of it. So they continue on their quest, Percy and Beth Grover, and they find their next god that they associate time with, and it is Ares. Do I think that this casting was great? Mm-hmm.
Yes, because Edge, Mr. Adam Copeland, WWE, like please, like while Aries could have been anyone, I feel like he ate as Aries, like. I was watching, I was like, that man could have played Thanos, like. He could have. He was in it, he was in it. Like his little back and forth with Grover, which honestly, Arian's portrayal of Grover in this here scene, made me just like him as an actor, because.
He was really manipulating the fuck out of Aries in that little juke jump because he was taking him on a ride. And that's when I remembered Grover is supposed to be a grown ass man. Right. And he said that. He was like, I'm 24, bro. I'm 24. You're not going to play me. And he was doing such a good job to the point where literally I was watching it and I'm talking to Morgan and I'm like, yo, like,
I believe Grover, is he playing right now? I was so confused. I had no idea until it was actually revealed, oh, he's playing him. And he was doing it, but I was like, is this a Seder power that they can just be anyone's bestie? Because that's kind of what it was giving, that it was magical how well he was getting along with Arian. Arian did so good in that scene. And essentially they meet Aries because they all, for some odd fucking reason,
I think that Aries is the one that stole the lightning bolt from Zs, because he thinks that Hades told Aries, go pull up on old daddy-o, steal the lightning bolt and come down and give it to him. I don't know why the fuck everyone's listening to Percy's funky ass on some situations like he just didn't just get here, but whatever. I mean, it's like the logistics of the whole Olympian world is like,
It's a little hard to believe sometimes. You have to be a little bit like, okay, yeah, that happened, of course, yes. Because the idea that someone is just slipping in, invisible, which if you're invisible and you're in the room with Zeus,
My idea is that his power level is so high that he would still be able to know that someone's in the room with him. So he was stealing his lightning bolt like that. I don't know. It was a little bit like that. And so Grover narrating the story for Aries of what happened, I'm like, okay, I'm glad someone is giving me an idea of how this could have happened.
Because it's just it's so before they even like discussed that it's so hard to believe that like, OK, there is some kid out there with the master bolt and Zeus didn't immediately just electrocute them. And so then the later reveal of it being like Hades helm is what helped like that make sense, because for the longest time, I thought the helm was Anabeth's hat.
You know, like on some on some deadly hollows were like Harry's been there the whole time the cloak. Right. Exactly.
And it would have been crazy if Lou gave her the hat. That would have been so crazy. No, for sure. Not what happened. I would have loved a cutscene of seeing how Grover's scheme would have worked out, instead of just having them go back and forth at each other. Well, I think that that was similar. It looked very appealing. And color grading was very great. But again, my gripe is that I wish that instead of just telling us this shit, because I already know it. You already told it to me in the book.
Show it to me. That's the whole point of making this book into a show so that I can see what I've already seen in my brain. An interesting way of looking at it, though, too, was the fact that we weren't seeing it. I was like, Grover's lying, right? But that's just how they tell everything in the show. So it's hard to really judge when a character is not a faithful narrator, because Grover really could have just been captain and Aries would not have known.
This is also the episode where they kind of put in, at the same time Grover is talking, Annabeth and Percy are going to- In the tunnel of love. And they are going to Aries' little very, very, very disgustingly terrifying amusement park. And they also meet Hephaestus, who is Timothy Odomenson, I hope is how I pronounce it. Fun fact about Mr. Timothy,
is that he obviously has a cane, because Festus is a god who uses a cane, at least in this part of mythology, in this world. The prop department made a golden cane for him because Timothy actually is disabled, so he uses a cane. Oh. So they used a disabled actor for this disabled god character, which I thought was great. I loved him. I really did. He was there for such a short time.
But one of my favorite, like, I mean, Dionysus is definitely the worst God that we saw on the show. But like, I think he was better than Aries because he was giving Hephaestus. He was giving the guy that's like, we don't talk about Bruno, like the uncle that is always just by himself and doesn't like the family because they're kind of assholes. And he understands why they're upset. But at the same time, he's in a rock and a hard place because he's like, this is just how it is. But at the end of the day, he does end up helping them, though.
It's so funny. He's like, he's like, yeah, the family sucks. They do all these terrible things. Anyway, I'll unfreeze your friend from my golden death trap. And I'm sorry I did that. I was a little cranky this morning. I
And as they're going into the tunnel of love, apparently that story, like as they're doing the little song, the little character creatures in the story that's appearing on the tunnel is apparently bopping their heads to the song. So that was a kind of little Easter egg thing too. But apparently during this scene of them like going into there, obviously you just brought up the golden chair or whatever.
And I just felt like this should have been a pivotal scene where we, again, realize that Annabeth is not new to this. She is true to this. Like, yes, she did. Like, she could have figured a way out of that. Not that. It's just like, she kind of hinted at it, like, just trying, like, as Hephaestus is talking to her, she is just going at it. Like, she does not give a fuck that this man is talking to her. She's trying to help her friend. But it's like, it didn't feel like she was really, like, getting shit. Like,
I was like, she looked at it for two seconds. It was like, oh, that's a hard question. Yes. And it's just like, I wish that there was more emphasis on like, no, I know what I'm doing, but why is this not working type shit instead of it being like, oh, no, this stumped me because the whole point of Anabeth is that she's the smartest fucking kid at Camp Half Blood. You're telling me that she doesn't understand what's going on right now because she doesn't know what she can or can't do.
It plays into the thing of like where like the show really treats Percy like he's the only kind of like special demigod where like Anaba should be having like
In my, I mean, in my imagination, I don't know how it really is in the books, in the book series a lot of the time, but in my imagination, the way that he, you know, his ADHD is like his battle sense and him being able to read Greek. My idea of Annabeth is like when she looks at machinery, she sees schematics. Yes. Like, or, you know, when she thinks of a battle plan, it like visualizes in her head. It's mapped out in her brain. Yeah.
Right. And it just didn't give that she that was what she was capable of, of making a master plan or deciphering a trap. Because like, what if this wasn't like, easy, like, oh, Hephaestus is just going to let us out? Like, what was she going to do? And I didn't think she had that at all. And she should. Exactly. Exactly. I 100 percent agree, because even as you mentioned in the previous episode breakdown where it was like she
stabbed the chimera and then they just ran. There was no plan. You just tell her, we have to run. No. You're telling me that you didn't already think about something? It just felt like all of this was just happening to her. And she was like, you know what? That's the safest bet. Let's just do that. Instead of having it feel like she had already had this planned out. She had multiple, like plan A, plan B, oh, fuck. OK, both of those fucked up. Let's go to plan Z, bitch, and run. They didn't feel like that.
Um, but I will say that that was probably one of my favorite episodes. Really? Yeah, it was probably up in top three. Oh. Only because, only because
I just loved Grover's scene. That shit just ate. And I loved how Aries was played by Edge and how his interpretation of the character was. It wasn't just like, oh, Aries is scary. Aries is brooding. He's a calculated ass nigga too. Everyone be thinking bad about Aries until this show put some respect on Aries' name.
I will say, yeah, he was a way more complex character than what I was expecting of him. And this episode did have possibly top three moments of him being, of Percy being up in Aries' face. Like, listen, see, you see here on this diagram, if you fuck around, you will find out. You will find out. And my name is Percy Jackson. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Like,
The best part of like the whole front half of the season. Absolutely. I was so sure I got out of my seat. I was like, you better talk to him. You middle schooler. And it was areas like smirking being like, little nigga, you don't even know. The last thing I'll say on this episode, unless you want to say something else, is the book difference that I vividly remember.
is that in the book, Percy and Annabeth, along with Grover, who ends up accompanying them to the water party. He's not having a full-on conversation with Aries. They don't actually recover. They don't just actually recover Aries' shield. They also get Aphrodite's scarf in all of this. And the scarf later appears later in the series. So I won't say that just in case
They do put this in season two or any other upcoming seasons. But it also in the book later helps them because in the book, Aphrodite is the one that helps them out of the whole mess of the underworld and everything because Hades is not trying to fucking help them. But yeah, not having that scarf definitely changed up. It made me realize that the way they were going to get out of Hades was not going to be the way that
I thought that they were going to get out of Katie's. Yeah. All right, episode six. We're down to the last three. At this point, how did you feel about the show after coming to this point? Oh, well, you know. We're halfway from the season ending.
This is it. Well, I was like very lukewarm about the show because I was like, it's cooking. It's sizzling. The food's not ready yet. Yeah. Like it was it was really just like blue ballsing me a lot of these episodes because you get the scenes like where they fell into the water in the love tunnel episode and they like, oh, we think he's going to do the powers thing. Oh, cut to black.
And yeah, so like at this point, I was very much like, if they don't show me something, then I don't know how I feel about this anymore. Because it was giving the MCU Disney Plus shows where like the first five episodes is like real whatever. And then you get to episode six and you're like, this is make or break. If this is not good, it's not going to be a good show.
So it's like double the effect with this one because this is the casino episode. It's the Lotus episode. And the movie is the one iconic thing that everyone can agree on. That was amazing in the movie. And that is why this episode upcoming sucks. But keep going.
Because and it's cinema. So it's like it's weird for them to have not treated such a creative and fun moment in the story with such like bland attitude. And it's so funny because Rick was tweeting and and threading and all this about how, well, you guys know the movie. It's whatever. But we're cooking for the lotus flower scene.
You better hold your books, okay? And then he put that ass shit out. Like, I was like, bruh, you brought Lin-Manuel in to distract us from the shit show that was just surrounding him, and it didn't even distract us. It was just like...
Because usually Lin is distracting in shows, but like this, he kind of blended in really well. And that did not help because we were like, OK, this is another character that is going to be here for two seconds that we're not going to really learn much from. Speaking of Lin, Manuel Miranda, I think our first thing when we realized that this was about to be his episode is, is this nigga going to sing? And we pray that this nigga does not fucking sing. And he didn't. Thank God.
And you know, what's a crazier thing I'm going to say, I would have liked it more if he did. Honestly, imagine a scene where they walk into the casino. They're like, okay, so yeah, first he's like, okay, which one is Hermes? And then they're like, it's him. And it's like, yes. And like, there's like, uh, those little feathers and it's like,
the women are like fanning out the feathers and it ends up being back. Yeah, big show. And like he could have been singing levitating. Like in they could have like made it a whole day. You should have written the script. Not I should have written directed produced it. All we get is him playing craps at a table and then offering a game to 12 year olds like
Right. Okay. So let's get into it, because we're already talking about it. So essentially, at this point, Percy and Beth Grover, they end up at the Lotus Casino. And like we said, the Lotus Casino is supposed to be where shit goes down. Because essentially, when they eat any of the Lotus cookies or treats, I don't remember how they describe them in the book, but they end up losing track of time. Like they are supposed to lose a significant amount of time in this casino.
because time moves differently in the casino. Hence, Hermes involvement because he is the god of time. That's why he's able to flip through different times and be the messenger and do everything, because that is his wheelhouse.

Character Portrayals and Casting Choices

While that did end up happening, they did lose a significant amount of time in the book. Everything else about that is weird. Yes, Grover is supposed to have this whole thing where he is still trying to find Pan. Like, that is his entire story arc is trying to be the person who finds Pan. That is literally besides helping Percy. That's his only other source of motivation. And the first thing that I realized that was wrong in this scene is why the fuck
Are they aware of the fact they will lose track of time in this motherfucking casino? Because again, all three of them have not been here. They've never seen the Lotus Casino. They've never even been on this side of America. So why is it that they already know that if they eat something, they're fucked and then Grover still does it? Even though he's supposed to be the oldest one?
So it's like it's the problem that the series has with the characters being so well informed about the world and modernizing the series to where most Greek mythology is common knowledge to the point where there is no consequences. There is no whoopsie. We didn't know that.
Oh, whoops, we didn't know that I was watching a review by friendly space ninja and great youtuber, but he was saying that's like if in the source in the Chamber of Secrets, if like Hermione took one look at like the petrified person and was like, Oh, guys, I think we're looking for a basilisk.
Yes. Well, I read in a book that there's these old pipelines that go through the school and the Basilisk is about the size of that and can slip through. So it's probably that. Oh, where is it coming from? I think all these tunnels lead to the girls bathroom. Like and now we've cut out at least 45 minutes of Chamber of Secrets. Yes. It's like let the movie movie let the show show. We don't have to like book explain everything because we want to make sure that the characters are up to date with what the audience knows.
I wholeheartedly agree. Also, another fucking issue that I have. Well, I'll tell about this later at the end, because it's towards the end of the episode. But it just felt like you kind of hinted at it, that Hermes just like... I think I brought this up to you after I watched the show. And this is no disrespect to Lemonwell, because I'm a musical girly. But you're telling me.
that this man, Hermes, this God, travels through time and is a whore bag. The whole point is that his cabin is full of kids because he is a whore. And that is why all the new kids just go to his because it's like, find your way. Because he's a whore, he has so many kids. So honestly, 99% of the time, you're probably one of his anyway.
You tell me that this man is supposed to be a whore and there was no Suga mama's on his arm or a bitch is trying to come to him or you're telling me that Lin-Manuel is supposed to be the portrayal of godliness and sexual seduction. He's not it.
Like I love Lin, but Lin is like the best friend who you would later realize that you should have been in love with the whole time. Not the person who you would drop your fucking cooter cat for. He's not Aaron Samuels, like it's not him. It's just very upsetting because it was just like they could have done so much with this episode. I think the only person that ended up making me happy was the guy who was trying to fine pan the whole time.
Oh, yeah, because that was like, you know, there's the bit from the books and stuff where it's like they find the people that are like, like they're from displaced throughout time. And that was like a good little taste of that, of like someone that has just been there too long and kind of gone insane. But it's like outside of that, like that was a
If anything, that was a characteristic of just the arena that they're in that they could have injected into the story and made it a little bit more exciting because chasing down Grover's uncle or whoever, it was his uncle, right?
Yeah, like chasing down Grover's uncle, like for not even two minutes and tackling him and the whole like casino being like, oh, that seemed normal anyways. Like in the movie, it was a whole security lock down chase moment. Like not saying that like that was necessarily better because why was all the security trying to like chase them and stuff? I don't know.
like that it had its own issues, but there was tense. There was tension. There was excitement. There was action. This was like a 12 year old tackled a 60 year old man and like that's all we got out of it. Exactly.
I just... There's two things that's running through my head right now, and I'm going to just talk about the title of this episode, We Take a Zebra to Vegas. Why do they name it that if they were going to take the zebra out of the entire situation? Do you know why it's called We Take a Zebra to Vegas in the book?
I actually just learned that, isn't it? Because he can talk to horses and they actually ride a zebra? Yes, he can talk to horses because Poseidon is also the god of horses. And he learns that he can communicate with a zebra while riding in the little international trailer that happens in the book.
He does not learn anything about this ability until much, much, much later. And that's so interesting of a choice for them because they made it a point to put the Pegasus in the first couple of episodes. At his relationship with horses. Exactly.
Oh, and then the, what are they called? What's Kyron? He's a centaur. The centaurs when they were on the train. They made a big point to like, put that in there. The centaurs, yes.
so like rick what's the delusion sir you keep saying that you want things to be book accurate but everything that you're giving us is like you were very much not trying to be like book accurate hey i might have to change my feelings after doing this episode
It's like he's so he's so picky choosey with it and it'd be fine if he was like, OK, we're going to change this and we're going to make it crazy. But he's like, oh, we're going to change this and we're going to make it boring. Yeah, like. Oh, it would also be a disservice to us if we do not talk about the end of this episode.
Oh, with him driving? And Percy is driving like a fucking bat out of hell. Like, honestly, though, it's quite iconic. But at the same time, OK, cool. Percy's never driven before. Like, what? He's 12. Like, baby is in six, right? He doesn't even stand. And she was seven when she got with Luke and Talia. They were probably walking, trucking around. They wasn't driving nowhere, because how many Luke was driving. You're telling me that Grover is 24 and has been out here in the real world.
And y'all never taught this motherfucking satyr how to drive. Well, it wasn't that. It was that his memory was so messed up. He didn't remember that he knew how to drive, but still same difference.
I'll say though, I love the scene because that is one of my favorite tropes of underage characters driving. Because the scene I love from Spider-Man Homecoming was when he couldn't think of how to make a turd and so he used his webs. And I wish we just got a little bit more of a chase scene or something, just something a little more exciting.
Why were they, why were they? Because they weren't being chased by anyone in the show, right? They were just trying, they just had figured out that they had lost so much fucking time.
Right, and they needed to get it on the street so that they could go. I think that it was supposed to be for comedy, right? And it was a little funny, but they should have just like hard, like, like really leaned into the comedy, had a montage of Percy like backing up, going forward, backing up, like cutting, cutting like a little sequence of him being a bad driver and then ending with him being like, oh, I got it. And then you do the gag of like him scraping the car on the side.
And then he ends up almost getting hit. And that's what they do in the show. But like, I just feel like either you do the comedy route that you just said, or you go full on tension and have someone like, have a reason for them to be panicking. Because at this point, babes, the summer solstice has already happened.
So this has already happened. Like, at this point, you're fucked. Like, your mission, your quest, over. Like, you failed. Like, it's done. And, like, I hate that we keep pulling rank with the movie, but the movie, the skies were a mess. It was lightning, clouds, rain, you know. Like, it was clear, like, oh, something's happening. And, like, I definitely think they could have leaned into, like, oh, things are going wrong in the world. Like,
You know, there's things that we are not, you know, that like us messing up at the casino caused like, I don't know how many people's lives to be ruined. Like that's the type of consequences I needed for them. Yeah. Pause real quick. I got to go turn this lamp on because it is so dark in here now. Yes.
I'm a Pearly Princess, yeah. You're a Pearly Princess, yeah. We're all Pearly Princesses. Thank you. So did you want to say anything else about episode six before we move on to the last two? No, there's nothing else. All right, so number seven, episode seven, we find out the truth, sort of. Because that's exactly what happens. You find out the truth, sort of.
So at this point, they have figured out a way to the underworld because they have stolen the keys. Well, Annabeth, not they. Annabeth stole the motherfucking keys from Hermes because she's a badass. And they have made their way from the water for some odd reason. Percy has to go into the water first, have his whole little situation where he realizes that his daddy loves him, whatever. But they end up in an underworld. First things first, that underworld
was was kind of creepy, not going to lie. I kind of liked how they made the underworld look. I was going to I was going to be confused of how they were going to do that. But that shit looked real eerie. I mean, I thought it was cool. Yeah, I thought it was OK. I think it was giving the right tone. It was definitely very much more of like the Hercules underworld. Yes. And I like that. Like the feeling that like staying there too long is like really, really scary.
However, Hades did not live up to how dark the actual underworld made me feel. But do you disagree with me? No, no, I don't disagree. I think that the comedy of the Hades character was something that they prioritized and didn't fully think through because the idea of Hades being a comedic character and Percy Jackson is that, oh,
The and even in Disney Hercules. Oh, yeah. Scary dude who runs hell basically is actually kind of hilarious and like not even that bad of a guy. But like you see him and you're like, first off, OK, dude, like my biggest thing with like it was just so funny when he entered the scene and you just hear his little pitter patter footsteps.
And then it takes him forever to walk over to them and his little just small, the small man just coming up to these 12 year olds like, Hey fellas, Hey, sorry. It took me a while to get over here.
My legs aren't that long, my throne's on the other side of the building. Like, it was giving ridiculous, because why didn't he just put the elevator closer to it? Because if I'm Hades, I'm not walking all the way over and agree to you, and then walking you back. Like, it was giving a lot. And I was just like, bro, this is hilarious, but not for the reasons they think. Like, it just didn't make sense. I just...
I feel like this one could have been so much better than what it was. I mean, yes, we had the they met. Dang, what's his name? I greet them. I greet him at the River Stig. Oh, what's his name? Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, because it's like Karen, Karen. I liked that interaction because I was kind of book accurate.
But I was going to ask you because in in my thing, it's like they go to Dead on Arrival Studios. Yes. And it was just like real different vibes, different vibes, like different take. But from the way that this show was going, I kind of felt like that wasn't going to be studio type vibe. True.
But Krusty. Yeah, Krusty was cool. Krusty was cool. It was just like quick and out of nowhere. Yeah. Apparently, I don't know if you know this, but since you're a movie guy, since you're a fan of the movies,
Krusty's real name is Julian Richings, but this is not his first appearance in a Percy Jackson production. He was apparently the ferryman. He was Karan in the 2010 movie. You're saying Karan like a black fifth grader in Durham.
I'm saying every single way to say this person's names that no one can say I didn't say it right. But yes, he was the original ferryman and the movie. Oh, oh, he does look like you. Oh, okay. I see it. I see it. So it was one of the things that was brought in. Because as we all know, we all thought that Logan Lerman was going to be presiding. Oh, we told Rick.
more so that Poseidon should have been Logan Lerman. And Logan Lerman was nowhere in this movie. And I was just really hoping that he was going to be like in the back, like right somewhere. And, you know, this is, I mean, off topic from the episode, but the whole Logan Lerman discussion really, you know, like I agree with him. He's like, I am still pretty young guys. Like you may think I am way older than I that I am because I think Lance Reddick as Zeus was
RIP ultimate choice. Yeah, rest in peace severely like he was the choice and everything definitely should have been based from him. Yes. And I just think that that last scene with Poseidon and Zeus would not have hit
at all if Logan Lerman was there, cause he looks like a child still, I don't know. Like he- But I feel like that would have ate though, because the whole thing is Zeus is like, I'm the oldest brother, like you don't know shit, like nana nana boo boo type bullshit. Like it would have ate more if Poseidon was really like the younger brother in this shit. Cause the whole point of this show is that the gods are just as fucked up, dysfunctional family. Like we all have in our own lives.
You're telling me that you don't have.
a situation with your family where you are literally tit for tat being like, I am a man, come on, like. No, that could have been so interesting. Cause it also adds a layer of like the gods not aging visually. Yes. And if he looked like how Logan Lerman looks and like clearly Sally is a bit older than Logan Lerman. Yeah. But would have been like, Oh, I get why she fell for this man. Like if he looked like this always, like,
I see it. I see it. I see it. So. But this is also. I did miss him.
No, I definitely did. And I wonder how he feels about this show, because everyone's asking Walker, like how he felt about Logan's movie. And I'm hoping that they're still doing the same thing to Logan, so that Walker is not the only one answering these dumbass questions. I mean, from the behind the scenes that I know is that they've never actually met. But Walker has asked for like his guidance a bunch and he's just been like, hey, bro, nobody liked my movie. So right. Do what you do.
Right. Do your own thing. It's like whatever you decide is probably what's best for the future. And I rock with that. But also like I want to see them like in a picture together. That'd be so cute. Also, one of my gripes about I'm getting some giving another point to the movie and I really fucking hate that for me. When Percy finally. God. Would Percy finally goes in the fucking elevator at the Empire State Building?
Oh, yeah. That scene in the movie was a lot better and Olympus looked a lot cooler. You know, can I tell you what it really was giving in the show? It was like a PlayStation game. Like it was like it was like you pop up and you see like this this this wide landscape image of like places you're never going to step foot.
It's like Hogwarts legacy. It's exactly what Hogwarts legacy really fucking does for real. And that's why I did not like it. Because I was just like, you're panning. OK, I get that they're trying to make it seem like Olympus is like this city, this metropolis that multiple gods live here. It's not just this throne room. But if you're not going to show me any of that, just show me the throne room then.
And I mean, that was a gripe I had with the movie where it was like the like looking at Olympus was like, OK, we're seeing a whole bunch of nothing. Like at the same time, it was like, I don't know. Like it was it was just like cooler and better to see them like as their big people forms. Yes. As their big people forms versus like walking like him just shots of him walking through this empty ass town when they've tried to make it like very apparent that like
People live there. Olympus is like a real place. I wanted to see huge motherfucking people because you're telling me that they just walk as like human size up in Olympus on a rag. Right. And it was just like in the thrones are human size. Please, your honor. Like if you're telling me that Zeus is really sitting here pissing people off as human Zeus size. Mm hmm. But OK, at the end of this episode, while they're talking to Poseidon, Sally mentions how
a Pegasus followed Percy, another horse indication. And that is when he finally realizes the connection between the horses when he finally meets a Daddio. And they finally had that conversation, which again, oh, I didn't mention this. I think that that should have been a lot
better, like that whole interaction with him meeting for the first time Poseidon and Percy. Oh, yeah. Because this entire time, you've made it a point to make it very known how Percy feels about his father, how he is trying to do all of this because Sally was in Hades, like all of this, he's rooting every fuck up that has ever happened.
to Poseidon. You have one instance where he's like, oh, I think my dad actually wants to help me. And that's after he falls into the water that pulls him from the St. Louis arc. So you're telling me this entire time.
There was no buildup. You didn't give Percy any lines to be like, why? Yes, they did, but it just felt really glossed over. Why did you do all of this? Why weren't you around? Because yes, he understands to a point that the gods can't do anything.
But at the same time, this was supposed to be a pivotal moment where a son and his father are finally met for the first time. And he's realizing how chaotic his life has been purely because of his father. And I wanted more of a conversation with that just for Poseidon to be like, I can't answer any of this. Because that's essentially how the book was.
Percy had so many questions, and Poseidon's like, I really wish that I could answer all of this for you, but it's not how it works. And that's how we get to understand why the gods and humans are on different playing fields, because we can't know everything. Because if we know why things are put in place like this, like they're...
There's just more of a difference between humans and gods in the book. Whereas in the show, they've done all the work to make it seem like humans and gods are just the same people, but with different statuses. And it's like, you didn't even finish with this huge moment that y'all just had right then.
Right. I think it was it's a big level of like angst missing from Percy in that scene of like him feeling of him seeming frustrated. Yeah, circumstances. Because I don't know. I mean, I felt like it was just uncharacterless, uncharacteristically mature of him to be so composed in that in that moment. Whereas like in the movie, you know, like he says his piece to Zeus and then he's like,
Right. And he's like, OK, you said whatever. All right. I'm leaving, bro. Like and then he has to like come to him and be like, please don't leave. Let me finish talking to you versus like this, Percy. It was really all about his mom. Like it wasn't about him at all, which I like, but it doesn't help the Percy Jackson character. It doesn't make a lot of sense of why this entire time you've had Percy hate his father.
because he got, like, we didn't talk about it, but after he got saved from falling from the arch, he was real daddy's boy. He was real, like, oh, well, you know, I think my father loves me guys. Like, I think he's gonna help. And then, I don't know, it was like, it was just like, there was just a level of their conversation missing because Poseidon really doesn't answer any of his questions, but,
in a way that just wasn't satisfying. Yeah, he didn't give any reassurance at all. Any reassurance that, oh, no, I love you and I love your mother. Like it was very unspoken. I guess you could read into it. But if you're a 12 year old kid and your parent just doesn't straight up say, hey, I love you. I care about you. You're probably thinking, oh, well, I shouldn't have been born. And it's crazy for a story where this nigga has been told several times he shouldn't have been born.
And it would have been great for Poseidon to be like at the bare minimum, like, I'm glad you were born. You saved the day, son. And again, he kind of does that because I don't want to negate, but at the same time, it's not as abrupt or apparent as it needed to be. It's very subtle. All right. Last epi, last epi.
I think we kind of mix, because that's definitely an episode eight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But last epi, last epi, the prophecy comes true. We definitely did. But this is the one where we all find out that Luke is a terrible human being, even though he's technically not terrible, he's doing it for a cause, blah, blah, blah. But like, we find out that old lookie boy from the jump has been the lightning thief.
the whole time. It's like agatha all along. Agatha all along, yes. But how did you feel about that reveal and subsequent sword fighting scene?
Okay, I think when I think about this, I have to take my first viewing of the movie as the real reveal in the story, just because ever since then, I've known it was coming. So when it happened in the movie, that wasn't a great reveal. But at least I was like, oh, that was like my I didn't know it was happening.
And I think that the show adding the scenes of Luke training him and Luke giving him the tour and kind of being his buddy.
was cool and all. But this show doesn't do a great job of immersing you in the relationships of the characters that are on screen all the time. Because I think we understand Percy and his mom's relationship real well. But they get a lot of screen time versus Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Luke and their interactions.
I feel like the movie did a good job of contextualizing Luke being big man on campus. Yes. And this was kind of very like lax in that sense of like, oh, yeah, he's probably one of the cooler dudes. I mean, because like this was giving he was the only camper, the only other camper that mattered at camp.
Cause when you really think, if you've never seen Percy Jackson, you never know anything about Percy Jackson, and you're trying to figure out who the Lightning Thief is, and you know it's one of the campers, okay, what are the ones that have names? Clarice, Luke, and our boys, so. And Leah.
Well, she's part of the boys, I mean. But don't disrespect her like that. Okay, okay, my bad. But yeah, I just think it like, the surprise is like,
It's a kid's surprise. It really is a kid's surprise. Because I think if you're an adult and you're seeing this for the first time, you're not seeing it coming. But when it happens, you're not heartbroken. Because they don't do too much. They don't do too much to be like, oh, Luke is this integral part of everybody's lives. That's going to be so sad if we lose him. It's just the dude that was kind of nice to Percy and has a little bit of an attitude problem towards the gods. Like, it's already like, yeah, that kid seemed like he was up to no good a little bit.
And then the reveal, I don't even really have to say anything about the reveal and Percy figuring it out because that's absolutely ridiculous. It makes no sense. He pieced the puzzle together like he was reading the script and I was like, okay, that's all I need to know.
Um, the sword fight was kind of cool, but it's still like the worst sword fight that has happened in the show. Even their little pre-training, um, the flashback sword fight was better than that. And I think that's a shame. Um, they also never named Riptide in this. So when he called his sword backbiter, that was a little bit jarring.
Um, and yeah, it was just a clunky as ending. Like, if like the Aries fight, we didn't talk about the Aries fight, but the Aries fight was lit.

Final Thoughts and Future of the Series

I was here for that. It wasn't even two minutes long, but it was really exciting. And I thought it was pretty cool. This
was supposed to be the final fight. And I felt close to nothing. I was like, oh, well, this will probably be over in a couple of minutes. I don't see anything happening here. I completely forgot about that Aries fight. Not going to lie to you. So it must have not stuck well in my brain.
Well, you know, my my meathead power level scaling, a scaling brain like that was that was the bread and butter of the of the season to me, really, because you saw a person like kind of accepting who he is. He made a plan. I like that they like foreshadowed him having a plan and he did. And then.
Like, I don't know. It was like a hero's victory. It was like what the show should have felt like for all the things that they've dealt with instead of it being handed to them. Because that felt very much like, oh, Percy earned that victory. Not like, oh, he got lucky or oh, something else happened. Like he happened to the story in that moment. And I love that.
versus the fight with Luke was like, Luke, no, you're betraying us? Oh, my God. No, I'm not going to join you. Oh, you're going to leave anyway. Not on my watch. Oh, you got away.
And then also Anabeth had to kind of help him because she magically was there and was like, I heard everything. I heard everything. So here you go again with this. No, here you go again with this Anabeth. You watching me fight to the death with these niggas and you just like, ooh, I hope he don't lose. Nigga! Hey!
Girl, but also I think that the thing that you had mentioned about how you wish that there was more like angst towards like their Luke and Percy's friendship. I think that they did that with Annabeth and Luke, because it was a lot more conversations throughout the episodes about their relationship.
So that at the end when she finally revealed herself from being invisible and was like, oh my God, you were the one that did this the whole time, how could you? That was it. And then after that.
Was Annabeth mad like I don't know I couldn't tell It's another show don't tell problem because the whole season they're telling us Luke saved me Luke and I are so close Grover's been with Luke and I since we found us since when we were seven yada yada yada But we'd never see them half like a scene where they talk or chuckle or giggle or smile at each other Not even Grover and Annabeth have that
Right. How are we to know that they are such close friends versus like again the movie Luke was smiling chuckling giggling making jokes at Annabeth Grover was like, oh, yeah Luke's the guy to go to like if we want to get out of camp on scene and stuff, you know It's it's the camp gassing up Luke not Rick Riordan and the writers trying to gas up blue. Oh my god, David, uh
Am I a movie bitch? Oh, I hate that. I really hate that for me. OK, so let's just finish out the spoiler. Obviously, yes, Lucas, blah, blah, blah. But post credit scene, Sally divorces Gabe. The reason why I didn't bring up Gabe is because it's Gabe. Like, I'm not giving him. I'm not giving him a time to shine, like that he gave, like whatever.
And she reveals that the only reason why she was with him is because she wanted to protect Percy because his stench. And upon learning that Sally has changed the locks, for some reason, Gabe comes back to the crib, does something diabolical and illegal by opening their mail. Just to get stoned because he sees Medusa's head.
Yeah and like it was like I knew it was coming because like what else do you tag season one of Percy Jackson with like I mean also it wasn't a novel too like he right yeah yeah but I mean like if we didn't see that in like by the end of the last episode I was like oh this is gonna be the post credits like I knew that was coming um
But yeah, I think that, like, that was such a nice little comedic wrap-up. Last thing I think we should touch on a little bit is, like, Chronos and the Season 2 lead-ins. That's exactly where I was going to then, because we didn't mention... I didn't mention Chronos for that exact reason, so we can talk about him now, because he was very, very heavily not teased in this show.
There was little bits of things of him, but that shit was happening to Percy a lot in the book. It was to the point where Percy is like, who the fuck is this man? Y'all are telling me that this man doesn't exist? Okay, whatever. Who is this human being talking to me? And they brush over it after they meet Hades. But after that, it's really no real conversation until he meets Zeus.
I thought that was like I thought that was something they did pretty okay with like having his dreams be a little consistent throughout the episodes and I thought the last one was real good because they got me good with that. I did not see that coming.
But I think it made it, it made it a pretty good development because I felt the payoff when he put the pieces together and was like, wait, Chronos, like, this is the only person. Now, it was a little bit like the the story was like guiding him there. But I like that they laid the seeds for him to be like really confused.
But I think, like you said, it should have leaned more into his delusion and more into like him feeling crazy because it was definitely giving in Harry Potter when Harry was like talking to snakes and they're like, Harry, ayo, like even in the wizarding world, this is not good. This was like the voices was in his head. He literally was turning against his friends, being like, bro, like y'all don't hear this shit. Like what the fuck are you talking about?
literally. And I wanted that more from Percy being like, bro, I keep having the same dream with this man. He's talking to someone in one of the dreams, which obviously we ended up finding out is Luke's funky ass. But like, it's just, I wish that it was more like Percy losing his shit about
this one aspect because we don't get that real true payoff until someone tells him, oh yeah, Cronos, like he's the one that made us all like. And also just like no real deep dive into the origin of Greek mythology, which they could have done so quickly, like
a little graphic, a little like short anecdote of like, OK, there was Cronus, then there was suicide in Hades, then there was all the other niggas like, you know, they they could have did something like that to like really plant him into like the lore of the story that we already know versus something they're telling us like after the fact.
And they didn't do that in the movie either, I don't think like them because I would have loved again, this is something that I would have wished more of like camp wise. But I would have loved if Luke had like sat him down and like the tent or like a classroom tent and was like, hey, this is the Greek shit. Like, yes, your mama told you one thing. But let me let me connect the dots. Right.
yeah and it could have been like an abridged unhinged like youtube video style telling of like okay that's zeus that's this person he fucked her and then he fucked her and they didn't like that and so now they have beef so that's why uh so you could be literally he could have been like telling the hefestus story and then been like so that's why the aries kids and the hefestus kids have camps have uh cabins on the other side of each other
Yeah. Like something like that to kind of like just make us feel like these stories are more than just stories like their actual. I agree. Yeah. I was really hoping I wasn't going to sound like a movie girlie in this fucking episode. David, you've pissed me off. I mean, I think you sound more like a book girlie than most that are talking about this show. But I think the we can't be in super denial that the movie was not something
that did some things good, you know? But okay, after we've done all of our episode breakdowns, what is your final rating of Percy Jackson, the television series? Out of what? Out of like 10? Out of five? Out of five. I give it three stars. Maybe three stars, maybe 2.5. And I'll tell you why. If we're ranking this from the episodes, like, okay, episode eight and seven, top two best episodes.
That's why I said that episode five was three. Okay. Your list is different because I think that literally the only good episodes were eight, seven, two, and one. And then everything in the middle was very much like they could have kept that. Like filler? Like I know it wasn't filler, but it was like...
Yeah, it felt like they treated it like filler, like it wasn't crucial story beats, like it didn't have to be anything that was like, oh, no, we have to do this or we're not going to make it or, you know, like I never felt like they weren't going to get Aries shield, you know, like it should have been that type of thing or like, oh, no, if we don't get this Grover is going to be stuck with that dude and he might kill him. Never felt like that. Never felt like that once. So.
Yeah, so eight, number one, seven, number two, two, number three, four, number one, and then the rest don't really matter to me. I definitely give it a three. I think that it was good for my nostalgia purposes and I may have honestly given it higher before our conversation just now.
But now being able to talk it all out, because we've purposely not talked to each other about this show until now. I feel like being able to talk it all out, it's definitely giving three or less. Not because of the actors, not because of the acting, but just because of how much there wasn't.
in the script and how much there was in the script. It was either or because we can't just say that the script had too much or the script didn't have enough. It's both. There were certain times where I wanted more in the script than they did, and there were definitely times where they could have definitely done without doing certain things or as long as they did them for. But would you recommend people to watch this? Would you put this on a list of to watch in 2024?
You know, I'm not gonna lie. Okay, so if I'm telling someone, oh, I think you would like Percy Jackson, I would definitely probably say you should watch the movie. I think that if it's somebody that I know is more for like a story story, like someone like you who wants to get into like a series and get deep into a story, I'd be like, yeah, go watch the show and then it's probably gonna make you wanna go read the books. But,
I just don't feel like this show really does give that feeling. I don't feel like people that don't know the story and just watch the show are being like, oh, I got to go read the book. Because I think something that I think all the press around Percy Jackson is what's driving people to go pick up the books, not the actual show, because
The like, again, the One Piece live action came out this past year and that pushed people to go read it, to go watch it, to go absorb more YouTube content about it. I think it has done good for the Percy Jackson YouTubers because they haven't had a lot to do lately. Yes.
But at the same time, it's just like it didn't, you know, it didn't excite me in the way that I think the movie would have if I had never heard anything about Percy Jackson. But I do think that it is more faithful to this man's, you know, story and stuff. But I was saying earlier that like the Walker was saying in the in the Zach Sang interview that the
the characters feel like the characters from the book. And I'm like, I agree. But the story does not feel like the story. And there is the gem that I wanted to say this entire time and you stole it from me. So I have nothing else to say. Because I was it. Oh, I ate you up. Oh, OK. I didn't know. You know what? I'll let it slide because last episode I ate you the fuck up.
All right, all right. Oh, I guess it's only right to let you eat me at one time. Oh, that sounded crazy. We're taking that out of the edit. But all right, so that was our, I think we can concise that our podcast says three. Like our podcast rating of this show is a solid three.
Yeah, Percy Jackson, three stars. Rotten Tomatoes definitely glazing their ass up. I don't know what Rick is paying the Tomatoes people, but that's not a 92. I'll be damned. Are you excited for season two, now that it has been green lit? I definitely am, because I think the kids are older. They can do that. I think Sea of Monsters is probably a little bit more mature of a story. I don't really, really know. It gets darker as the story goes. Oh, good. It's kind of like Harry Potter darkness.
Good. I'm excited to see it develop. I wasn't really happy with this because it felt like we were staying in kid land. But if we're going into, you know, you know, Shonen protagonist, Percy Jackson, like he's really going to be out there in these streets, then like that's what I'm here for. That's what that's what I really want.
I'm excited to see what they're going to do with Sea of Monsters because they've already done the bear work. They've done the groundwork. We know who these gods are. We know Percy's whole genealogy and everything. You don't have to explain it to us anymore. Get to the real shit now.
And now that we know about Chronos, we got to get to the real shit because again, every single book after this gets darker and darker because we have to get to the point of battling Chronos.
But yeah, I think solid three. Do you want to talk about what is up next for the podcast since you are the one super excited about this one? Oh, yes. OK, so next week we were talking Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a wonderful, wonderful remix of a beautiful brand that kind of launched Brangelina. So yeah, super excited to talk about that and talk about Donald Glover.
And that's essentially what we're going to be doing that entire time. Talking about just talking about Donald Glover and his chest muscles. But yeah, that's what we got coming up. After that, then we are going to be touching on the last Airbender live action, another adaptation that we are going to be getting this year. So, yeah.
I'm not excited about that. I don't know how that's going to be, but we'll probably talk a little bit about it in the Mr. and Mrs. Smith episode, because I think it'll probably be out by then. But that won't be like our full review. So, yeah, so, guys, this has been a lit time and I know this is kind of last minute, but I hope you enjoyed our review of season one of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Let us know how
you felt about this season, please, please, please, on the social. Yes. And also, since you brought up the socials, follow us on socials. We have an Instagram at Last Minute Pod, so a TikTok at Last Minute Pod. And for all of our audio listeners, if you also want to watch us Kiki in real time, we also have a YouTube channel. So go ahead, check all the things, because it's always a little last minute with us. Not going to lie.
Like we'd be saying it's a lit last minute, a little last minute, but we really should have called it the very last minute podcast, because you're going to love it till the very last minute, and it won't be up to the very last minute. Very much so. But we'll see you in the Mr. and Mrs. Smith episode next time on the lit last minute podcast. Bye-bye.