S3.E4 - Blue Zones - Costa Rica image
S3 E4 · Books Brothers Podcast
S3.E4 - Blue Zones - Costa Rica
S3.E4 - Blue Zones - Costa Rica

This week, Garrett leads our discussion of Chapter 5: “Discovering Costa Rica’s Blue Zone” from Blue Zones, Second Edition: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest by Dan Buettner.

  • 0:50 - 20:11: What were 1-2 takeaways from the Nicoyan lifestyle that you plan to apply to your life?
  • 20:12 - 34:08: As you have gotten older, in what ways have your beliefs changed towards having an external or internal locus of control?
  • 34:09 - 36:53: What are ways you can create more space in your schedule to have more margin in your life?
  • Resources referenced or discussed in today’s episode:
  1. Taco Bell food quality article: click here
  2. Article about what Fruits and Vegetables looked like before they became domesticated: click here
  3. Study related to magnesium deficiency in Americans: click here
  4. Study related to water hardness: click here
  5. Data on measles cases in the US: click here
  6. Article related to US economy health care costs: click here
  7. Correction: In the episode, it was commented that $1 out of every $3 (33%) in the US is spent on healthcare. Upon further review, the actual figure is closer to 17.3%, or closer to $1 out of every $6. Thus, the comment from this episode was inaccurate

Next week we’ll discuss chapter 6: “The Greek Blue Zone” (pages 227 - 259)

Netflix documentary series: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

You can buy the book on Amazon by clicking here.

You can also borrow it at your local library. Don’t have a library card, or unsure where your local library is? Search on Google Maps, or find your local library by clicking here.

Follow us on Instagram @booksbrotherspodcast

Connect with us at connect@booksbrotherspodcast.com.

Please subscribe and give us a review! We would really appreciate it.

See you next week! Until then - read, reflect, and connect.

59 Plays
5 months ago

This week, Garrett leads our discussion of Chapter 5: “Discovering Costa Rica’s Blue Zone” from Blue Zones, Second Edition: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest by Dan Buettner.

  • 0:50 - 20:11: What were 1-2 takeaways from the Nicoyan lifestyle that you plan to apply to your life?
  • 20:12 - 34:08: As you have gotten older, in what ways have your beliefs changed towards having an external or internal locus of control?
  • 34:09 - 36:53: What are ways you can create more space in your schedule to have more margin in your life?
  • Resources referenced or discussed in today’s episode:
  1. Taco Bell food quality article: click here
  2. Article about what Fruits and Vegetables looked like before they became domesticated: click here
  3. Study related to magnesium deficiency in Americans: click here
  4. Study related to water hardness: click here
  5. Data on measles cases in the US: click here
  6. Article related to US economy health care costs: click here
  7. Correction: In the episode, it was commented that $1 out of every $3 (33%) in the US is spent on healthcare. Upon further review, the actual figure is closer to 17.3%, or closer to $1 out of every $6. Thus, the comment from this episode was inaccurate

Next week we’ll discuss chapter 6: “The Greek Blue Zone” (pages 227 - 259)

Netflix documentary series: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

You can buy the book on Amazon by clicking here.

You can also borrow it at your local library. Don’t have a library card, or unsure where your local library is? Search on Google Maps, or find your local library by clicking here.

Follow us on Instagram @booksbrotherspodcast

Connect with us at connect@booksbrotherspodcast.com.

Please subscribe and give us a review! We would really appreciate it.

See you next week! Until then - read, reflect, and connect.
